This state visit is part of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and the Czech Republic.
This state visit is part of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and the Czech Republic.
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In one of the largest deals
ever in the history of the Mongolian Stock Exchange, Firebird Management, a
U.S.-based fund management firm, acquired 14.3% of total outstanding shares of
Baganuur JSC for USD15.2 million last
month. This was the latest in Firebird’s purchase of
The Mongolian Chamber of Commerce and Industry recently
organized Mongolia’s Best 99, an exhibition to identify exporters who best
popularize Mongolia in the international market. Goyo’s cashmere apparel
collection was chosen “the best export product”.
Following the Memorandum of Understanding signed during
the visit of Prime Minister S.Batbold to Canada, calling for Canadian
cooperation in reforming the civil service in Mongolia, a video tele-conference
was held recently at which members of the Canadian House of Commons Standing
Committee on
Xanadu Mines, an Australian-backed, Mongolian-focused minerals
explorer and developer, has opened its Initial Public Offer (IPO) ahead of its
proposed listing on the Australian Stock Exchange in late December. The IPO
seeks to raise between AUD15 million and AUD21 million, valuing the company
Gold Inc. has received a receipt for a final short form base shelf prospectus
with the securities commissions of each province of Canada, except Quebec, and
a corresponding registration statement on Form F-10/A with the United States
Securities and Exchange Commission. These filings
London Stock Exchange (LSE) has been chosen to restructure and run the
Mongolian Stock Exchanges (MSE) to prepare it to provide all kinds of financial
services required in a growing modern economy, according to officials talking
off the record. However a formal announcement
National Defense Minister Liang Guanglie met with his Mongolian counterpart Lu.
Bold in Beijing last week, both pledging
to enhance military ties between the two nations. Liang said China attaches
great importance to boosting Sino-Mongolian relations and is ready to work with
Mongolia to