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Inception The Cobol Job 2010BDRip 1080p

Өмнө нь бид The Inception
киног DVDRip чанартайгаар оруулж байсан. Харин одоо өчигдөрхөн нетээр
цацагдсан Incetion The Cobol Job хэмээх богино хэмжээний анимейшн киног
хүргэж байна. Бичлэгийн чанарын хувьд маш өндөр буюу BDRip 1080p байгаа.

iSpring Presenter Master Edition 4.0.5

Гишүүний хүсэлтээр орууллаа. Powerpoint дээр нэмэлт болж суудаг юм шиг
байна. Xэрэглэж үзээгүй болохоор сайн мэдэхгүй юм. Хэрэгтэй байгаа
хүмүүс нь татаад аваарай…Үргэлжлэл

Alarming violations of children’s rights

Despite the presence
of many governmental and non governmental organizations that work for children
and receive substantial amounts of money, the status of children’s rights and
the condition of many children continue to be alarming. Sexual abuse of minor
girls is on the rise

Deputy PM calls for economic independence to follow democracy

First Deputy Prime Minister and Chairman of the
Democratic Party, N. Altankhuyag, has said
that Mongolia’s democratic
revolution, which also meant a transition to a free economy, would be
incomplete if it did not lead all the way to an economic revolution. Being in

Haranga books drill rigs for 5 Mongolian iron ore projects

Resources, a Mongolia-focused iron ore exploration and development company, has
closed its Initial Public Offer (IPO) on the Australian Stock Exchange to raise
USD25 million early and was heavily oversubscribed.   The Company has booked drill rigs and
geophysical survey crews for immediate commencement

Oyutolgoi LLC focuses on community support

recent three-day Future Search conference, sponsored by Oyutolgoi LLC to focus
on the future development path of Khanbogd and Manlai, the nearest towns to the
mine site, drew some 70 delegates including local government and infrastructure
officials, NGO representatives, local herders, businesses, students,

Parliament to discuss Constitution amendment procedures

will this week have the first discussion of the draft setting out procedures
for amending the Constitution. The issue was raised in 2004 but it has been
such a sensitive issue since the seven amendments passed after the 2000
election when the MPRP

R. Kelly – Love Letter 2010

R&B дуучин R. Kelly энэ сарын 14-нд єєрийн арав дахь студийн цомгоо
“Love Letter” нэртэйгээр худалдаанд гаргах гэж байгаа билээ. Тvvний
єєрєє продюсерлэсэн энэхvv цомгоо гаргахад нь хамгийн их нєлєє, сэдэл
болсон зvйл бол дэлхийн дуу хєгжмийн ертєнцийн домог

Adam Lambert – Acoustic Live! (EP)

Adam Lambert – ийн Glam Nation аялан тоглолт болон Berlin, Hit Radio
гэх газруудад дуулагдсан дуунуудаас бүрдэж буй Acoustic Live(EP) цомгийг татаж авaхаар
хүргэж байна.Check It Out!!!Үргэлжлэл

Driver Genius PRO

Driver Genius PRO – тус программ нь дотроо Motherboard, Sound card, Video card, Network card, Modem, Monitor, Mouse, VOIP Phone, Keyboard, Mice, Scanner, MP3 Player, Printer, Digital тєхєєрємжvvдийн зэрэг нийтдээ 30,000 гаруй Driver-уудыг багтаасан томоохон баазтайгаас гадна та хvссэн
