Mongolian Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene is paying a work visit to the People’s Republic of China.
Mongolian Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene is paying a work visit to the People’s Republic of China.
The Mongolian Ambassador to Great Britain has met with B.Khurts, Chief
of Administration at the National Security Council, and says there is no
concern for his physical well being. A hearing yesterday extended his detention
for 28 days more, setting January 5, 2011
The latest survey of corruption in Mongolia, jointly
conducted by the Asia Foundation and the Sant Maral Foundation, found that
while the number of households that gave a bribe in the last three months has
fallen, the amount paid in bribes has increased.
Haier, the world’s
No.1 electronics brand has announced that the company is setting the base for a joint effort to establish
modern educational platform at school #24 in Ulaanbaatar with an IT
infrastructure that meets international standards.
Under the joint “New
Century Education Project”, it is possible to offer
Minister S.Batbold will make an officially visit to Russia from December 13-16 at
the invitation of his counterpart, V.V.Putin. He will hold talks with Putin and
others on the two countries’ ties and collaboration in the trade, economics,
infrastructure and investment spheres along
Mongolian Parliamentary delegation is now in India for a five-day visit to New Delhi
and Calcutta, now called Kolkata. In Delhi, it paid homage to the memory of Mahatma
Gandhi, called “the father of the nation” because of his role in the
stations survive on subsidies from the Government and their total indebtedness
now is MNT500 billion. However, a study reveals that generation will not meet
the country’s energy demand as early as 2013. Some MPs have submitted proposals
suggesting some definite improvement measures and
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Кино сонирхогч эрхэм гишүүддээ ирэх 2011 оны 1-р сарын 4-нд албан ёсоор нээлтээ хийх Ticking Clock хэмээх онц сонирхолтой, тулаант киног DVDScreen бичлэгтэйгээр саяхан интернэтээр цацагдсаныг хүргэж байна. Татаж аваад тухлан үзээрэй. Эхлэл.ком!Нэр: Ticking ClockОн: 2011Төрөл: Action | ThrillerХэмжээ: 400