News.MN - The source of news

Hostel 2005DVDRip

Quentin Tarantino Presents-ийн
2005 онд гаргасан Hostel хэмээх аймшгийн, аллагат төрлийн киног хүргэж
байна.Харгис аллага, цус гардаг кино учир энэ төрлийн
кинонд дуртай залуусд таалагдана гэдэгт итгэлтэй

Safari Photo Africa: Wild Earth 2006

Алдарт Ubisoft-ын бүтээл 2006
онд гарсан Safari Photo Africa: Wild
Earth тоглоомыг хүргэж байна. Та Африкаар явж зэрлэг амьтдын эгзэгтэй,
байгалийн гоё гоё
зургуудыг авна. Яг л жинхэнэ амьтдын дунд орсон юм шиг мэдрэмжийг танд
төрүүлэх болно. Хэмжээ нь ердөө 111

Playboy – December 2010 US

хvн бvрийн унших дуртай “Playboy” сэтгvvлийн зул сарын баярын дугаар
уншигчиддаа хvрэхэд бэлэн болжээ. Зєвхєн эрчvvдэд л хамаатай зvйлсийг
агуулсан байдаг сэтгvvлийн маань шинэ дугаарын нvvрийг яг нэг жилийн
ємнє бяцхан хvvтэй болж, vрийн зулай vнэрлэсэн америкийн телевизийн

Mongolia closes S.Korean friendship year

This year marks the 20th anniversary of the establishment of
diplomatic relations between South Korea and Mongolia.

A friendship concert was recently held in the Mongolian capital to close off
the year-long celebration to mark the 20th anniversary of the start of

20th anniversary of Democratic Revolution comes to an end

The 20th anniversary celebrations of the
Democratic Revolution came to a close on Friday with a special meeting in
Government House attended by several who led the movement to break free of the
totalitarian regime. D.Battulga, head of the President’s Office, read out

Notary law drafts progress in Parliament

Parliament decided on December 10 to set up a working group to further
discuss the law draft on notary submitted by 17 MPs including Ts.Munkh-Orgil
and another similar draft submitted by the Government on December 2. The
concerned Standing Committee will also process

Batbold’s Moscow visit begins today

Prime Minister S.Batbold’s
official visit to Russia begins today. It is expected to reach some significant
decisions, over which detailed negotiations have been held. These include a
review of joint ventures like the Erdenet factory and Mongolrostsetmet. The
future of the Asgat silver deposit

Speaker discusses strengthening ties with India

Speaker D.Demberel and the Parliamentary
team he is leading to India last week called on the Speaker of the Lower
Chamber of India’s Parliament, Mrs. Meira Kumar, who was in Mongolia some
months ago, writes B.Khanddolgor who is with the team. Demberel presented

Russians know Mongolian uranium better than Mongolians

Uranium exploration in Mongolia was under the coal and oil exploration
program until 1960 when geologists from the Soviet Union took up the job. Then
the Governments of the then Republic of Mongolia and the Soviet Union signed an
agreement in 1970 setting
