This state visit is part of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and the Czech Republic.
This state visit is part of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and the Czech Republic.
National Statistics Office has found that the average salary for women workers is
13.5% less than for men. The key reason is that more men are employed in higher-paid sectors such as mining,
construction, transportation, energy, state management and defense, while women
The 4th consultative meeting between Government and
private sector representatives from Mongolia and Japan wa held yesterday in Ulaanbaatar.
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade B.Bolor led the 50-member Mongolian
team that included representatives from the Ministries of Foreign
Affairs; Mineral Resources and
Mongolia will be the next powerhouse
in the global copper mining industry, surpassing even Chile in the scale and
efficiency of projects, according to Robert M. Friedland, founder and executive
chairman of Ivanhoe Mines Ltd. Friedland, whose company has been developing the
Oyu Tolgoi
The Confederation of Trade Unions has issued a public
statement jointly with public servants in the health, transportation,
telecommunication, and oil sectors. It said there was no response from
officials of the Ministry of Finance whom they had invited for the budget. The
T. Namjim, Director of
Mongolsekiyu, the company that has signed an agreement with two Japanese
companies, Marubeni and Toyo Engineering, to set up an oil refinery in Darkhan,
said oil has a strategic role in every country’s economy and it is very
important to
Coal has reported an initial JORC measured, indicated and inferred resource
estimate of 324 million tons to a depth of 140 meters for the new Har Toirom
coal discovery, which is located adjacent to the Unst Khudag Coal Deposit in
Mongolia. This is
Molyneux, President and CEO of SouthGobi Resources Ltd., has announced that the
company has signed a strategic alliance agreement with Winsway Coking Coal
Holdings Ltd. and a contract for the sale of 3.2 million tons of coal in 2011.
Under the agreement, SouthGobi
is likely that a smelter will eventually be developed to process a portion of
the concentrates from the Oyu Tolgoi mine, but probably not for at least ten
years or so, Ivanhoe Mines investor relations manager Bill Trenaman has said.
The investment agreement
Parliamentary delegation led by Speaker D.Demberel completed its official visit
to India yesterday and proceeded to its next dstination, Vietnam. In Delhi it
called on the
Minister of Foreign Affairs, S.M. Krishna who expressed the hope that the
Speaker’s visit would further strengthen
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