News.MN - The source of news

Leona Lewis – The Labyrinth Tour Live from The O2 2010

телевизийн The X Factor-ын ялагч болсноор нэр алдар нь цуурайтаж,
дэлхийн дуу хєгжмийн ертєнцєд єєрийн гэсэн єнгє аяс бvхий уран
бvтээлvvдийг туурвиж ирсэн дуучин Leona Lewis энэ оны 5-р сарын 28-наас
7-р сарын 6-ныг хvртэлх хугацаанд єєрийн анхны аялан

Billboard Hot 40 2010-12-18

дахинаа хит болж байгаа шинэ соргог, шилдэг дуунуудыг татаж авах
боломжтойгоор багцлан хvргэдэг Billboard-ын Hot 40 дууны 2010 оны 12-р
сарын 18-ний єдрийг хvртэлх vргэлжлэх жагсаалтыг та бvхэнд хvргэж байна.
Энэ удаагийн Billboard жагсаалтанд Америкийн поп дуучин Katty

Open the world

Open World төв нь
2006 онд үүсгэн байгуулагдсан цагаасаа эхлэн өөрийгөө хөгжүүлэх эрмэлзэл
бүхий оюутан, залуусын боловсрол, мэдлэгийг дээшлүүлэх, барууны
хөгжингүй орны соёлтой танилцуулах, дэлхийн хэмжээнд сэтгэн бүтээх
чадвартай иргэнийг төлөвшүүлэхэд өөрийн хувь нэмрээ оруулах зорилгоор
дараах үндсэн хөтөлбөрүүдийг хэрэгжүүлж

Mongolian boxers fight for foreign teams

Four Mongolian boxers are representing foreign teams in
the present World Series Boxing tournament organized by The International
Amateur Boxing Association. They are N.Tugstsogt (54 kg) in Baku Fires,
Z.Enkhzorig (61kg) in Milano Tander, E.Iderkhuu (54 kg) and U.Munkh-Erdene (61kg),
both in Memphis Force.


Work on rental apartments to begin soon

The Ulaanbaatar City Construction and Urban Planning
Board is going ahead with plans to build apartments for rent in five areas of
the city, and at the same time to move people 
away from the city to ease the pressure on its infrastructure.

Uranium agreements reached in Moscow

Russia and Mongolia have reached an agreement on the
conditions on which a joint uranium mining company, Dordon Uran, will be
established. The agreement was signed in Moscow on Tuesday following
negotiations between visiting Mongolian Prime Minister S. Batbold and his
Russian counterpart Vladimir

Batbold meets Putin, signs agreements

Prime Minister S.Batbold’s busy schedule during his
official visit to Russia yesterday included talks with his counterpart
V.V.Putin,  and several other important
leaders. After his meeting with Putin, where they signed agreements of
bilateral cooperation, Batbold met S.M.Mironov, Chief of the Federal Council of

German cooperation in rare earths exploration in Mongolia discussed

National Development and Innovation Committee and GTZ, the German international
cooperation organization, recently organized a seminar at the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs to explore the possibilities of developing rare earths based
industries in Mongolia. The participants exchanged views and information on
cooperation with German

Oyutolgoi finds water under the desert to meet its needs

discovery of water deep under the Gobi desert is likely to remain one of the
greatest achievements of the Oyutolgoi LLC environmental team. The Gunii Hooloi
aquifer, a geological formation containing ground water, is forecast to provide
water to the mine for the
