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Winter festivals in Mongolia in February

With the weather set to be stable next month, we’ve compiled information on local, national, and international festivals you can visit over the weekend in Mongolia.

Leona Lewis – The Labyrinth 2010 Blu-ray

поп, R&B дуучин Leona Lewis энэ оны 5-р сарын 28-наас 7-р сарын
6-ныг хvртэлх хугацаанд “The Labyrinth” нэртэй аялан тоглолтоо хийсэн
билээ. Энэхvv тоглолтын vед бичигдсэн “The Labyrinth Tour Live from The O2”
хэмээх live цомгийг бид урьд нь

GoGo Downloader v1.0

хувьд сайтаас єєрт хэрэгтэй зvйлээ татаж авахад тэрхvv
файл нь олон part-тай тохиолдолд нэг нэгээр нь татахаас гадна part нэг
бvрийг тодорхой хугацаагаар хvлээсний эцэст татдаг бага зэргийн тєвєгтэй
асуудал байдаг. Тэгвэл энэ асуудлыг хялбархан шийдсэн нэгэн жижигхэн

Ganga water for Mongolian visitors

foreign delegates usually receive gifts that showcase India’s art and culture.
Last week, when a Parliamentary delegation from Mongolia visited, Speaker Meira
Kumar gave its members unusual gifts — gangajal (Ganga water) in brass pots,
and Buddhist tankhas. When Ms. Kumar explained the

City to relocate all leather and wool processing units

The city authorities have accepted
recommendations in a feasibility study conducted by the Ministry for Food,
Agriculture and Light Industry on replacing the present Hargia waste water
treatment plant with a new one that will use newer technology and have more
capacity. MNT1.7 billion

ADB grants USD45 million to develop Zamyn Uud

The Asian Development Bank
(ADB) will help Mongolia build a state-of-the-art road/rail linked logistics
facility to help expand and speed up trade, and increase the landlocked
country”s global competitiveness. ADB”s Board of Directors approved loan and
grant assistance of USD45 million equivalent for the

Rio Tinto buys 10 million common shares of Ivanhoe from Friedland

Rio Tinto last week bought 10 million
common shares of Ivanhoe Mines Ltd. from the company’s director, Robert M.
Friedland, as the two companies start collaborating in bringing into production
the Oyutolgoi project, with enough reserves of copper and gold to keep the mine
in business for

Vietnam, Mongolia vow to enhance trade, investment cooperation

Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Tan
Dung and Mongolian Parliament Speaker D. Demberel have said that Vietnam and
Mongolia vow to enhance cooperation between the two countries in all areas,
especially trade and investment. Dung and Demberel made the commitment at a
meeting in Hanoi

Erdenes Tavantolgoi RMC raises eyebrows

The State Property Committee has announced
the names of the members of the Representative Managing Council of the Erdenes
Tavantolgoi LLC. The SPC Chairman, D.Sugar, heads the 9-member RMC. The other
members are O.Erdenebulgan, Deputy Chief of the SPC; J.Ganbat, Chief of the

Aimag officials report on the winter situation

Following our earlier report that there is snow over 70% of the nation’s
territory, there is now information that some roads are closed and animals in Bulgan,
Khuvsgul, Zavkhan, Dornod and Sukhbaatar aimags are not able to pasture. The
main road in Bulgan

193 Mongolian women take South Korean citizenship

The South Korean Immigration Office says193 of the 2,500 Mongolian women
married to Korean citizens have taken Korean citizenship. Korean men are said
to prefer marrying foreigners as Korean women do not want to have many
The State Center for Civil Registration
