Mongolian Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene is paying a work visit to the People’s Republic of China.
Mongolian Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene is paying a work visit to the People’s Republic of China.
A Christmas fair was
inaugurated in the Children’s Park on December 17 and will continue until
December 31. Daily programs are scheduled from 10 am to 9 pm. Other attractions
at the park during the festive season are representations in ice of the
Minister of Foreign
Affairs and Trade G.Zandanshatar and the Prime Minister’s adviser on foreign
relation, O.Och have said the recently concluded visit of S.Batbold to Russia
has opened a new page in the two countries’ relationship. The debt is finally
settled, with Mongolia to
The demand for electricity
continues to increase along with the population of the capital city. It is
believed that 15,000 households live without electricity. The Ministry of
Mineral Resources and Energy puts the figure at 6,776 and Minister D.Zorigt has
said these have been
The head of Ulaanbaatar
Railway, T.Ochirkhuu, has indicated that the USD125 million Russia has
indicated it will add to the joint venture company’s capital is most likely to
be used to buy 50 locomotives. A final decision will be taken only after a
MP E.Bat-Uul answers
questions on the ongoing discussion in Parliament of the draft of the amendment
procedures for the Constitution.
Is the present provision indicating that livestock is under state
protection likely to be included for amendment?
The Great Ikh Khural
deputies, 70% of whom were
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