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Winter festivals in Mongolia in February

With the weather set to be stable next month, we’ve compiled information on local, national, and international festivals you can visit over the weekend in Mongolia.

Farm Frenzy: Ancient Rome 2010

жилийн ємнє Ромчууд дэлхийг захирч байх vед Scarlett гэгч эрэлхэг
зоригт залуу бvсгvй єєрийн орны цэргvvдийг хоол хvнсээр хангахын тулд
мєн хайртай залуугаа дайны талбараас буцаж ирэхэд нь баталгаатай
амьдралтай угтахаар єєрийн газар дээрээ фермерийн аж ахуй эрхэлдэг

Rihanna ft Eminem – Love The Way You Lie Part.2

Love the Way You Lie хэмээх хит уран бүтээлийг сонсоогүй хүн бараг үгүй
бизээ. Хаа ч явсан нэгнийх нь утас аль эсвэл зуругт мөн автобусны
ФМ-ээр байнга шах уу явдаг билээ.Үргэлжлэл

Goyol-2011 chooses best models and designers

The annual Goyol show has always been the biggest gathering of Mongolian
fashion designers and models, but Goyol-2011 also brought to viewers designers
from Russia, Thailand, South Korea and Japan. E.Selenge was adjudged The Top Woman Model, Dalai The top
Male Model, Tserenlkhagva

Speaker calls for “national fight” against corruption

Parliament Speaker D.Demberel has said it is
unfortunate that the feeling is widespread in the country that someone stealing
MNT100,000 gets to spend 10
years in jail, but those stealing several billions live in honor and
dignity.  “More and more people wonder
why it should

Minister reasserts successful wheat production

Minister of Food, Agriculture, and Light Industry Kh. Zoljargal has said the recent outbreak of the foot and mouth disease was
the first in Mongolia since 2001, and actually came at a time when the
Government was planning to write to the

Entrée Gold successfully tests targets on Shivee West

Entrée Gold has successfully
tested a number of deep conceptual targets on its 100%-owned Shivee West
property in Mongolia, adjacent to the company”s flagship joint venture property
that surrounds the massive Oyutolgoi project. The 2010 exploration program on
Shivee West was designed to evaluate

Xanadu Mines IPO oversubscribed, listing on December 21

Australian-backed and Mongolia-focused
minerals explorer and developer Xanadu Mines Ltd. closed its Initial Public
Offer (IPO) oversubscribed and expects to list on the Australian Securities
Exchange on December 21. Through its IPO, Sydney-based Xanadu sought to raise
AUD21 million at 60c a share and

Children’s Park full of fun

A Christmas fair was
inaugurated in the Children’s Park on December 17 and will continue until
December 31. Daily programs are scheduled from 10 am to 9 pm. Other attractions
at the park during the festive season are representations in ice of the

PM’s visit to Russia “opens a new page in relationship”

Minister of Foreign
Affairs and Trade G.Zandanshatar and the Prime Minister’s adviser on foreign
relation, O.Och have said the recently concluded visit of S.Batbold to Russia
has opened a new page in the two countries’ relationship. The debt is finally
settled, with Mongolia to

No decision yet on 5th power plant site

The demand for electricity
continues to increase along with the population of the capital city. It is
believed that 15,000 households live without electricity. The Ministry of
Mineral Resources and Energy puts the figure at 6,776 and Minister D.Zorigt has
said these have been
