News.MN - The source of news

Erdenet team visits Oyutolgoi

A team of 12 senior executives and
specialists from the Erdenet Mining Corporation recently visited the Oyutolgoi
project site to observe the grand development going on there. Considering that
they run similar operations, there was a lot of exchange of ideas and
information between

9th symphony played after 30 years

The famous 9th symphony of Beethoven was
performed by musicians of the State Philharmonic at the Academic Theater of
Opera and Ballet on December 16 for the first time in 30 years, with N.Butenbayar,
son of Ts.Namsraijav, who conducted its first performance in

Mongolia moves nearer to gaining market economy status

Prime Minister S.Batbold’s aim to adopt
European standards in Mongolia received a boost with the signing on December 20
of a Collaboration and Partnership Agreement between Mongolia and the European
Union. The agreement, signed by the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and
Trade, B.Bolor,

NEA chief denies court ruled in favor of Khan Resources

Khan Resources LLC of Canada owns 58% of the
Central Asian Uranium Co., which has worked in the Mardai uranium deposit in
Dornod aimag, while Monatom LLC of Mongolia and ARMZ LLC of Russia own 21% each.
The Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) cancelled

Aimag Governors want Atar-3 to continue

The National Council of the three-year Atar-3
project, initiated by S.Bayar when he was Prime Minister to increase
agricultural production, met on December 20 to review final results. Several
aimag Governors urged continuance of the project so that its gains could be


Respiratory disease among children in Ulaanbaatar on the rise

The Social Health Institute has found that
the volume of nitric dioxide, carbon dioxide, and dust particles in the air in
Ulaanbaatar is respectively 1.5 times, 4.2 times and 7.8 times more than the
accepted level. Power stations and steam boilers annually burn

MPP group favors more power for local officials

The MPP group in Parliament met on December
20 to discuss the law draft on the election. A working group had earlier
reviewed the MPP Managing Council’s understanding of the Constitution that an
MP can only be directly elected by voters and its

Medina – Welcome To Medina (Album)

electropop dance, R&B, hip hop дуучин Medina-ийн “Welcome to
Medina” цомгыг татаж авахыг санал болгож байна. “Welcome to Medina”
цомог нь түүний гурав дахь бие даасан цомог юм. Цомог 2010 оны 7 сарын
23нд Герман, Швейцари, Австри зэрэг улсад

Animation Pack #1 GoGo Share

“Волт Дисней” Pictures – ын бүтээл Алладин, Дамбо , мөн Астро хүү гэх
гурван хүүхэлдэйн киног хүүхэд багачууддаа зориулан багцлан хүргэж
байна. Бид нарыг л бага байхад үздэг байсан энэ хүүхэлдэйн цувралууд
одоо ч хүүхэд багачуудын үзэх дуртай киноны нэг байсаар л

Microsoft Windows 7 Enterprise x86 Integrated December 2010

7 үйлдлийн систем 2009 оны 10 сарын 22-нд албан ёсоор худалдаанд гарсан
билээ. Тэгвэл энэхүү үйлдлийн системийн хамгийн сүүлд гарсан буюу 12
сарын шинэчилэлт, update-ууд багтсан 32 битийн хувилбарыг татаж авахаар
хүргэж байна. Уг шинэчилэлтэй хувилбарыг татаж авснаар таны
