This state visit is part of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and the Czech Republic.
This state visit is part of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and the Czech Republic.
President Ts.Elbegdorj, Speaker D.Demberel
and Prime Minister S.Batbold received on December 21 heads of all diplomatic
missions and international organizations in Ulaanbaatar in the state ceremony
hall with nine white flags.
The President said the annual event was
important because it allowed a review
The Standing Committee on Security and
Foreign Policy has unanimously approved the proposed agreement between Mongolia
and China to send convicted prisoners to their home countries. Mongolia already
has a similar agreement with Canada and South Korea. Once the agreement is
concluded, the exchange
S.Ganbaatar, President of the Confederation
of Trade Unions, answers questions on the recent cancellation of exploration
licenses of 254 gold mining companies working in river basins and forest areas.
do you support the miners against the Government, when the law is meant to
and Indian troops finished their latest two-week drill in counter-insurgency in
Belgaum in western India on Sunday. Nearly 30 officers and personnel of the
Mongolian armed forces participated in the joint exercises called “Nomadic
Elephant” along with 50 officers and personnel of the
The National Statistics Office has released
figures for key indices in several social and economic sectors.
The national consumer
price index rose 1.5 percent over the previous month, 10.3 percent over the end
of 2009, and 11.1 percent over November last year.
Of the 1,192,700
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