This state visit is part of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and the Czech Republic.
This state visit is part of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and the Czech Republic.
Aimag Governors and Heads of Civil Representatives’
Assemblies (CRAs) attended a day’s training in Ulaanbaatar on December 22. We
asked the Head of the CRA of Selenge aimag, J.Sanjjav, some questions.
How much more money has been allocated to Selenge aimag from
the budget
The Standing Committee on Nature, Environment, Food and
Agriculture decided on December 22 to forward to Parliament the proposal to
allocate MNT1.8 trillion to a national program on climate change that will be
spent on environmental protection, including post-mining reclamation.
E.Bat-Uul was against the
The Government has decided to spend USD24,307 remaining of
the soft loan of USD300 million from the Chinese Government on some
construction work for Ulaanbaatar Railway. Minister of Finance S.Bayartsogt has
been asked to incorporate the necessary amendments in the original loan
agreement to
The Government meeting on December 22 approved the agreement
reached during Prime Minister S.Batbold’s visit to Russia to raise the equity
capital of the Russia-Mongolia joint venture Ulaanbaatar Railway by USD250
million. Minister of Road, Transportation, Construction and Urban Planning,
Kh.Battulga was authorized to
Chinese National Defense Minister Liang Guanglie and
Tserendejid Byambajav, the visiting chief of general staff of the Mongolian
armed forces, met in Beijing Tuesday and pledged to enhance bilateral military
cooperation. Liang highlighted the recent developments of the bilateral
cooperation between the two economies,
A Korea Development Bank (KDB) delegation headed by its
Chairman and CEO, Euoo-Sung Min, recently called on Prime Minister S.Batbold to
express their interest in cooperating with Mongolia in running the recently
established National Development Bank. The KDB also wants to collaborate with
The Mongol Bank reports that money supply (broad money or
M2) at the end of November was 1.7 percent more than at the end of October, and
45.0 percent more than at the end of November last year. Loans outstanding at
the end
Altogether 36,741 cases of infectious disease were reported
until the end of November, 1880 cases or 5.4% more than in the same period last
year. The Chief of the Information and Training Office of the National Center
for Infectious Disease Research, Ch.Urtnasan, answers
The Standing Committee on State Structure discussed on
December 22 several law drafts relating to Parliament and Parliamentary
procedures. These included one prepared by MPs including U.Enkhtuvshin, on
procedures; one on legislation prepared by MPs including Kh.Temuujin; another
one on session procedures prepared by
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