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Winter festivals in Mongolia in February

With the weather set to be stable next month, we’ve compiled information on local, national, and international festivals you can visit over the weekend in Mongolia.

Alpha And Omega 2010DVDRip

9 сарын 17 нээлтээ хийсэн энэ оны шилдэг анимейшнүүдийн нэг Alpha And Omega хүүхэлдэйн киног DVDRip чанартайгаар хүргэж байна. Гарсан цагаасаа л бүтээгдсэн хөрөнгөө хэд хэд нугалсан ашгийг олж чадсан чамгүй сайн бүтээл билээ. Кинонд Alpha болон Omega хэмээх хоёр

Open Season 3 2010BDRip

Open Season буюу Ангийн улирал хэмээх
сонирхолтой хүүхэлдэйн киноны хамгийн сүүлд буюу саяхан гарсан 3-аар
ангийг нь хүргэж байна. Эхний ангиудыг нь мэдэхгүй хүн гэж нээх байхгүй
биз дээ. Энэ анги дээр хэдэн хөгжилтэй шинэ дүрүүд нэмэгдсэн ба
хүүхэлдэйг Cody

Back to the Future: The Game Episode 1 2010Repack

Калифорнийн тоглоом үйлдвэрлэгч компани саяхан Windows болон Macintosh
дээр Back to the Future киноны тоглоомыг гаргажээ. Энэ тоглоомыг цуврал
болгон гаргахаар төлөвлөж байгаа бөгөөд энэ 1-ээр анги нь юм байна. Нийт
5 үетэй. Хэмжээ нь ердөө 404 МБ мөн үзүүлэлт

MPs urge better audit of big state companies

Two DP MPs, Ya.
Batsuuri and  E. Bat-Uul, have expressed
concern that state-owned companies are “used as milch cows” by those in power
and said that until there is operational transparency in them, they “will
remain hotbeds of corruption”.  Some time
ago, they wrote to

Construction expenses in Ulaanbaatar 43.5% more this year

Construction work in Ulaanbaatar city this year has cost
MNT21.4 billion or 43.5% more than in 2009. This includes MNT16.4 billion spent
on building and street repair work done by foreign and domestic companies.

41 new fountains have been built, Seoul Street

Cooperation memorandum signed on border area tourism

A cooperation memorandum has been signed between tourism
officials of Mongolia and the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region of China. A team
headed by the Chief of the Tourism Board of the Ministry of Nature, Environment
and Tourism, Ts.Orgodol, visited Khuh city on December

Nine companies in construction field win Barilga awards

Nine organizations in the construction field were chosen as
the best in as many spheres and received the Barilga Best Awards-2010 at a
ceremony in Chinggis Khaan hotel on December 20. The event was jointly
organized by website, the Builders’ Federation and

Shinebayar still to get back MPRP name

MP Ts.Shinebayar’s assertion that he would get back the name
MPRP for what is now working as “The MPRP Headquarter” seems to have run into
problems. The Constitutional Court has told managing officials of the MPP of
his efforts and the Office of

Livestock census shows sharp fall in numbers

The National Statistics Office has published the preliminary
results of the livestock census. The number of animals stands at 31.8 million,
which is 12.1 million or 27.7% fewer than last year’s. The total includes 1.8
million horses, 2.1 million heads of cattle, 2.6

No word yet on how state budget deficit will be met

The 2011 state budget presented by the Government and
approved by Parliament shows a deficit of MNT779.5 billion with no indication
so far on how this will be met. Last year’s budget had a much lower deficit,
amounting to MNT358.6 billion, and this
