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Winter festivals in Mongolia in February

With the weather set to be stable next month, we’ve compiled information on local, national, and international festivals you can visit over the weekend in Mongolia.

Japanese likely to win the Development Bank tender

The choice of organization to run
the Development Bank will be revealed this week and two groups from South Korea
and Japan are favorites for the selection. The Chief of the State Property
Committee, D.Sugar, last week said the selection should be made

Mining companies urged to report their water use details

The Alliance of the Civil Movements
for Environmental Protection, which includes 11 organizations from 10 aimags, has
urged mining companies to reveal details of their water consumption. Its
Coordinator, G.Chagnaadorj, has said mining companies pay too little for the
water they use and the

SMEs need MNT800 billion to fully develop

Most of the 1,000 domestic economic
entities that contribute to the budget are small and medium enterprises while a
few are large companies. A survey finds the SME sector needs MNT800 billion to
expand. The MNT805 billion to be spent on monthly allowances

Commercial bank loans to remain difficult

Not all economic analysts are agreed
that the 11% policy rate the Mongol Bank has left unchanged since last year
will help control inflation, but the Bank has said it will retain the rate in
2011. This is despite the fact that a

Monetary policy to remain strict

The Central Bank said on December 25
that there would be no change in the monetary policy as its priority was to
keep inflation in a single digit. The Directors’ Council met on December 23 and
decided to watch how the payment of

Programs to create jobs and improve life still to take off

Just having a source of income is
not enough, as many people in the country are realizing. Some 50% of Mongolians
earn too low wages to lead a comfortable life and the Government has no policy
to help these 60,000 households rise above

Japan, S Korea, Russia eye Tavantolgoi: Nikkei report

Itochu Corp, Sumitomo Corp
and two Japanese trading firms will jointly bid for rights to Tavantolgoi,
along with a South Korean consortium and a state-owned Russian company, the
Nikkei business daily has said.

Trading houses Marubeni Corp
and Sojitz Corp, together with Russia”s state-owned railway

Ivanhoe-Rio deal is a clear win for Mongolia

Mongolia has passed an important milestone underpinning the core of its
growth for much of the next century, according to a note by ResCap. Any market
uncertainty around Ivanhoe’s Oyutolgoi construction being completed on time has
now been diluted with Rio Tinto stepping

Mongolia has a lot of ground to cover before reaching happy ending

The Canadian
group Fraser Institute recently dubbed Mongolia the second-worst destination
for mining companies, but, nestled deep between Russia and China, this
once-overlooked country plays host to potentially some of the world”s largest
mineral deposits – a fact that cannot be ignored by the

Bee Movie Game Portable

Bee Movie Game-ийн шахсан, зөөврийн хувилбарыг нь хүргэж байна.
Бүрэн эхээрээ 2GB гаруй хэмжээтэй байдаг бол энэ ердөө 265 МБ болсон
байгаа. Та зөгийгөөр төрөл бүрийн даалгавар биелүүлэх ба бяцхан машин ч
унах боломжтой. Ерөнхийдөө Simspons Hit & Run тоглоомтой
