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Winter festivals in Mongolia in February

With the weather set to be stable next month, we’ve compiled information on local, national, and international festivals you can visit over the weekend in Mongolia.

Shayne Ward – Gotta Be Somebody x264

5 жилийн өмнөх X Factor шоуны ялагч поп дуучин Shayne Ward-ын Obsession
цомгийн анхны сингль болох Gotta Be Somebody дууны клипийг нь хүргэж
байна. Дуу нь их гоё бөгөөд клип нь ч тун дажгүй болсон байнлээ.Үргэлжлэл



Eun jung

Eun jungҮргэлжлэл

Burte Chono sports awards presented

The Burte Chono annual ceremony, where
best athletes of the Mongolian National Olympic Committee receive awards, was
held in the evening of December 25 in the Studi-600 of the Mongolian National Public
Television. Defense Minister L.Bold, President of the Track and Field Athletics

Doctor under scanner in probe into July 1, 2008 events

The revived investigation into the five
deaths on July 1, 2008 has included a review of the conduct of a doctor on duty
in the auto patrol line who is accused by the victims’ families of not rendering
timely and professional aid to

Meat smuggled in coal trucks

Residents in five aimags including
Uvs, Khovd and Zavkhan, have told Gal Undesten Union officials that a large
quantity of meat is regularly smuggled to China in trucks carrying coal. Between
600 and 700 tons of sheep and goat meat is smuggled daily.

Flights from Ereen to Ulaanbaatar being planned

The newly opened Sain Us airport in
the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region of China, 27 km from Ereen city and 32 km
from the border with Mongolia, is likely to serve flights to Ulaanbaatar and to
the Far Eastern areas of the Russian
