News.MN - The source of news

Canadian firms to build solid waste power plants in Mongolia

Maple Leaf Reforestation Inc. has entered into a joint
venture with CF Lacey & Associates to build and run solid waste power
generation plants in Mongolia and China. The length of the agreement was not

MPs oppose expenditure on human resource development

The Standing Committee on Security and Foreign Policy approved
on December 28 the terms of Mongolia borrowing USD12 million from the International
Development Association (IDA) for the program “Development Policy Financing-2”.
However, the members instructed the Government to spend less on trainings and


160 works on show at Innovation 2010

The annual Innovation 2010 exhibition opened at the hall of
the Union of Mongolian Artists (UMA) on December 29 with 160 new paintings,
sculptures, and installations on show until January 7. Before this UMA had
arranged for 50 exhibitions in the course of

B.Ser-Od to train in Japan

Noted athlete B.Ser-Od has ended 2010 with winning the Hoju
Yomiuri marathon in Japan, finishing first in a field of 1,800 competitors from
all over Asia and Africa. He earlier won the Brighton marathon in England.

The Chief of the Physical Culture and

Public transportation to cost more

Public transportation costs in Ulaanbaatar will go up from
January 1, 2011 but users will not have to pay more as the 26 bus companies will
continue to receive subsidies. Transport operators have complained of
increasing losses and announced that there would be

MNT82.5 billion for students’ fees in 2011

The Chief of the Welfare Department of the Labor and Welfare
Service Board, D.Choijilsuren, has said the Human Development Fund has earmarked
MNT82.5 billion for payment of students’ fees in 2011. The Ministry of
Education, Culture and Science will prepare in January, 2011

President speaks out against vodka

Speaking at the Burte Chono-2010 awards ceremony, President
Ts.Elbegdorj renewed his appeal to people, in both households and
organizations, to dispense with vodka when celebrating the new year. Calling
alcohol abuse “the worst and most serious” problem facing Mongolian society, he
said “it is

Black Swan Soundtrack – Clint Mansell 2010

Аливаа кино Soundtrack-гүйгээр давсгүй хоолтой адил. Саяхан та бүхэндээ Black Swan
киног гарсан даруйд нь бичлэгийн чанар сайтайгаар хүргэсэн. Уг киноны
Original Soundtrack дуунуудыг хүргэж байна. Нийт 16 дуу багтсан.Үргэлжлэл

Ticking Clock 2010DVDRip x264

2011 оны 1 сарын 4-нд нээлтээ хийх Ticking Clock хэмээх action, triller
төрлийн киног DVDRip чанартайгаар хүргэж байна. Киноны гол дүрд алдарт
жүжигчин Cuba Gooding Jr. болон Neal McDonough нар тогложээ. Хэмжээ нь
ердөө 400 МБ.
Кинонд: Үйл явдал сурвалжлагч

Michael Jackson Ft Akon – Hold My Hand 1080p

хааныг нас барснаас нь хойш түүний хийж байсан цомгийн ажлыг дуусгахаар
уран бүтээлчид ажиллаад саяхан амжилттай Michael

цомгийг нь гаргасан билээ. Түүний уг цомогт нь багтсан Hold My Hand
дууны клип нь саяхан гарчээ. Уг дууг Michael Jackson-ы өмнө нь
