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Tom and Jerry’s Greatest Chases Vol. 4 2010DVDRip

Tom ба Jerry 2-ыг мэдэхгүй хүн гэж үгүй бизээ. Шилдэг
ангиудыг цуврал болгон 3 Volume өмнө нь гаргаад байсан бол саяхан Volume
4 нь гарчээ. Хэд хэдэн сонирхолтой анги нь багтсан байгаа. 1 Цаг 20-оод
минут таныг бага ч

My Little Baby 2010

Little Baby хэмээх Simulator төрлийн нэгэн
жижигхэн тоглоомыг хүргэж байна. Та уг тоглоомд нялх хүүхдийн ээж болж
бүх л зүйлийг нь хийж өгөх юм. Жишээ нь усанд оруулахдаа усны дулааныг
нь тохируулж байж оруулах, живхийг нь солих, хоолыг нь

Happy New Year

 Hey all 🙂 ~Бүгдээрээ шинэ оноо угтах гээд завгүй л байна уу? кк ♥Зайка нь ч бас их завгүй байгаа.. Гэхдээ хичнээн завгүй байсан чблогоо хэзээ ч орхихгүй.. Блогоо нээх бүртээ өөрийгөө шинээр олж хардаг..Үргэлжлэл

Ch. Khashchuluun: Economic revival after crisis needs large investment

Ch. Khashchuluun, Chairman of the National
Development and Innovation Committee, has said the emphasis in their work plan
for economic development in 2011 is on optimal use of financial
resources by using local indices, the first time this will be done. Altogether
85 local

Rare earths hold new promise for Mongolia

China controlling nearly 95% of rare earth minerals production globally
and the possibility of demand exceeding supply in the short to medium term
provides a strong incentive for Japanese, U.S. and European investment in
Mongolian rare earth mining and the associated export infrastructure

U.S. Embassy helps disability activists’ visit to USA

The U.S. Embassy in Mongolia recently supported a group of
10 activists – seven of them physically disabled – belonging to the NGO Wind
Bird – to make an intense two-week visit to the USA to: 

·  discover how people with disabilities

Canadian firms to build solid waste power plants in Mongolia

Maple Leaf Reforestation Inc. has entered into a joint
venture with CF Lacey & Associates to build and run solid waste power
generation plants in Mongolia and China. The length of the agreement was not

MPs oppose expenditure on human resource development

The Standing Committee on Security and Foreign Policy approved
on December 28 the terms of Mongolia borrowing USD12 million from the International
Development Association (IDA) for the program “Development Policy Financing-2”.
However, the members instructed the Government to spend less on trainings and


160 works on show at Innovation 2010

The annual Innovation 2010 exhibition opened at the hall of
the Union of Mongolian Artists (UMA) on December 29 with 160 new paintings,
sculptures, and installations on show until January 7. Before this UMA had
arranged for 50 exhibitions in the course of

B.Ser-Od to train in Japan

Noted athlete B.Ser-Od has ended 2010 with winning the Hoju
Yomiuri marathon in Japan, finishing first in a field of 1,800 competitors from
all over Asia and Africa. He earlier won the Brighton marathon in England.

The Chief of the Physical Culture and
