News.MN - The source of news

Law draft on Development Bank to go to Parliament

The law draft on the Development Bank will be submitted
to Parliament with some suggestions from the Government. The bank will be 100%
state-owned and will provide loans to large projects in mining and
infrastructure development and in setting up processing factories. The

HDF allowances payment rules amended

Some provisions in the rules governing the distribution
of monetary allowances from the Human Development Fund have been amended. The
money will now be paid to citizens 
through aimag and district social welfare organizations; students’ fees will
be paid into the state education account;

2011 to be year to support employment

The Government decided at its last meeting of the year on
December 29 to observe 2011 as the year to support employment. Prime Minister
S.Batbold will head a national committee to formulate the work plan and then to
monitor its implementation. The committee

Year of 100th anniversary of national independence begins

A National Committee headed by Deputy Prime Minister
M.Enkhbold has begun preparations for the observance of the 100th
anniversary of national independence on December 29, 2011. Speaker D.Demberel,
some MPs, and a number of scholars attended a meeting at the Bogd Khan Palace

Mongolia chooses Russia as partner because of its need to balance China

plan to construct 1,100 km of railroad to connect Dalanzadgad, capital of the
southernmost Omnogovi province to Choibalsan in Dornod province in northeastern
Mongolia, is an entirely mixed political puzzle, writes Munkh-Ochir Dorjjugder
in The Jamestown Foundation. Southern Mongolia is home to
massive deposits

Roads, bridge to be built in Ulaanbaatar with MCC funds

The Ulaanbaatar
Mayor’s Office recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the
Millennium Challenge Account Mongolia (MCAM) on a highway project that
includes a 3.4-km road from the Uliastai intersection to the Bayanzurkh
checkpoint, a 20.9-km road to the Nalaikh district and a

Japan to help Mongolia develop lithium projects

Japan and Mongolia will be jointly
developing lithium projects starting in 2011, according to the Nikkei. The
Japanese newspaper reported recently that the Mongolian Government, the Japan
Oil Gas Metals National Corporation (JAGMEC) and the National Institute of
Advanced Industrial Science and Technology of

Asia Foundation launches environment program in mining

Asia Foundation has launched a new environment program called “Engaging
Stakeholders for Environmental Conservation” (ESEC).  This three-year program will engage
stakeholders and citizens to directly address the development of Mongolia’s
mineral sector and key challenges the country is facing in protecting its
natural resources
