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Minony 2010BDRip

Энэ онд гарсан шилдэг анимейшн хүүхэлдэйнүүдийн нэг Despicable Me-ийн
гол дүрийн баатарын мянга мянган туслах дүрүүд болох Minory-чуудыг гол
дүрд нь оруулсан 3 богино хэмжээний маш гоё ангиудыг хүргэж байна.
Blu-Ray 720p чанартай болохоор чанарт маш сайтай. Хэмжээ бага.Үргэлжлэл

Evil Days: Pound of Ground 2010PCENG

2010 онд гарсан нэгэн хөгжилтэй, сонирхолтой
хөөрхөн тоглоомыг хүргэж байна. Та бүхэн Dead Rising 2 тоглоомыг сайн
мэдэх байх. Тэрэнтэй төстэй боловч тоглоомыг илүү хөгжилтэй болгохын
тулд зураглалыг арай өөрөөр, содон сэтгэж хийсэн байна лээ. Тоглоомын
тоглох байдал нь 3rd

ArcView 3.2 & Mongolian Shape Added

Газрын зураг болон тархалт, газар зүйн мэдээллийн сантай ажиллах бүрэн
боломжтой ArcView 3.2 программыг толилуулж байна. Хэрэгтэй хүндээ маш их
зүйлсийг хийж чаддаг хүчирхэг программ билээ. Дээр нь нэмэлт болж
Монголын газрын зураг, сумын хил, аймгийн хил, хот хооронд дамжсан

World of Warcraft: Cataclysm 2010

видео тоглоом хєгжvvлэгч Blizzard Entertainment-д хєгжvvлж, мєн
Америкийн видео тоглоом хєгжvvлэгч компани болох Activision болон
Blizzard Entertainment-ын хувьцаат компани Activision Blizzard-д
хэвлэсэн алдарт Warcraft цувралын хамгийн сvvлийн, шинэ, єргєжvvлсэн
багц болох шинжлэх ухааны, уран зєгнєлт “World of Warcraft: Cataclysm”

Domestic companies want bigger share of mining-related work

aim of the recent Competitive Mongolia exhibition was to demonstrate that a
“strong Mongolia can be established only by allowing domestic producers, goods
and service providers to participate in the grand development of mining in the
Mongolian Gobi”, according to its joint organizers,

Coal train reaches Russian port without hitch

The train transporting Mongolian coal to
the Russian port of Vostochnii has completed its trial run successfully. It
took four days to reach the port from the border point without hitch.
Infrastructure Development, the company which organized the transportation,
carefully monitored the progress of

Chinese buy 145% more coal

released by the administration in Inner Mongolia reveal that Chinese imports of
Mongolian coal in the first nine months of this year were 10.95 million tons,
an increase of 145% over the same period last year. At present, China is the
only buyer

20 students receive Rio Tinto scholarship

Rio Tinto,
working in cooperation with Zorig Foundation, has awarded scholarships to 20
students of domestic universities in the present academic year, majoring in
geology, mining, economics, and law. At a recent ceremony to formally announce
the recipients MP S. Oyun, representing the Foundation,

Erdenet team visits Oyutolgoi

A team of 12 senior executives and
specialists from the Erdenet Mining Corporation recently visited the Oyutolgoi
project site to observe the grand development going on there. Considering that
they run similar operations, there was a lot of exchange of ideas and
information between

9th symphony played after 30 years

The famous 9th symphony of Beethoven was
performed by musicians of the State Philharmonic at the Academic Theater of
Opera and Ballet on December 16 for the first time in 30 years, with N.Butenbayar,
son of Ts.Namsraijav, who conducted its first performance in
