A total of 11 forest fires were recorded in Dornod, Khentii, Sukhbaatar and Arkhangai provinces.
A total of 11 forest fires were recorded in Dornod, Khentii, Sukhbaatar and Arkhangai provinces.
First Deputy Prime Minister N.Altankhuyag yesterday received Chinese Ambassador to Mongolia Yu Hongyao, regarding the end of the his official duty. Ambassador Yu Hongyao thanked N.Altankhuyag for receiving and noted Mongolian and Chinese bilateral ties have developed in many spheres
The President’s senior advisor P.Tsagaan and Deputy Chairman of the President’s Office B.Nergui submitted a law draft on extending the implementation period of law initiated by President Ts.Elbegdorj. The draft law suspends granting of mineral resources exploration licenses till July
The Ministry of Mineral Resources and Energy, Authority of Mineral Resources and Mongol Coal Association yesterday organized a meeting where the state-owned and private sectors representatives who operate in coal mining field exchanged views in the National Development and Innovation
Our journalist talks to Deputy Chairman of Representing Managing Council of Erdenes Tavantolgoi LLC O.Erdenebulgan, relating critical issues of tender selection for an investor and an operator company. When would the decision of tender selection be resolved?The deadline of tender
“The State data” compilation’s first edition of 2011 has been published. It is published the law on the state mark documents’ fees including the types of fee service and fee amount. Also the data about court paying state mark document
The Ministry of Road, Transportation and Urban Development and Ulaanbaatar Transportation Board plan to reform taxi cars and service in 2011. According to the plan total of 1200 taxi cars would be imported from South Korea, 600 of which will
B.Khurts, Administrative Chief of the National Security Council, again appeared in a London Court of Magistrate of Westminster on January 5 following his arrest warrant to Germany. The Secretary-State of Ministry of Justice G.Bayasgalan yesterday informed about the hearing to
The Ministry of Social Welfare and Labor has been awarded by “Memorandum of Mongolian Children” from Suragch newspaper and “Friendly to Mother and Children” memorandum from Saran Eej Association. The Ministry implemented project “Music in Children Development” with the aim
Chief of the MPP group in Parliament D.Lundeejantsan sent note to Speaker D.Demberel to officially cancel Ts.Shinebayar’s membership from the MPP group. The group has offered to contemplation period of two months but Shinebayar decided to stay in the MPRP
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