News.MN - The source of news

The best wrestlers of Russia and Inner Mongolia arrive in Mongolia

The best women wrestlers of Russia and China arrived in Mongolia for a joint training with Mongolian woman wrestlers by the request of Mongolian Free style wrestling team and Mongolia’s Free Style Wrestling Association. Buriyat Republic’s team led by Honored

Nature paintings to be shown

Innovation-2010 exhibition is open to public in the exhibition hall of Union of Mongolian Artists where paintings of all types of creations are displayed. After the exhibition, artists are planning to show art pieces made last summer during the field

Gold Feather-2010 chooses the bests

Gold Feather-2010 festival chose bests of literature field in Culture Center on January 9. The best compositions and creations of literature from 31 selected materials in the final stage are selected: The best short story by D.Tsendjav- What did I

Prime Minister on an official visit to Emirates

Prime Minister S.Batbold is on an official visit to United Arab Emirates between January 8 and 10. The Deputy Prime Minister, Oil Minister and other officials welcomed the Premier and the delegates that accompanied him at the airport of Abu

Mongolia to import agriculture equipments from Canada

Former Prime Minister and Head of Flour Producers’ Union, Sh.Gungaadorj; and Deputy Chief of Veterinary and Breeding Board, B.Tsogtbaatar informed media about agriculture and farm fields’ cooperation with Canada. Sh.Gungaadorj underlined old methods of agriculture is not accepted nowadays because

National Emergency Commission meets over winter situation

National Emergency Commission meets today at 3 pm and discusses hard winter situation in 68 soums of 15 aimags including Zavkhan, Uvurkhangai and Khuvsgul. The Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry and Emergency General Board would give information about

Mongolia to have six tourism regions

The Ministry of Nature, Environment and Tourism initiated a draft to divide tourism regions in six. The law on tourism and the national tourism program has been ready to be passed by Parliament. Six regions of tourism would be established

The DP group discusses draft laws

The DP group in Parliament today discusses law drafts on general budget of Mongolia and foreign loans and aid regulation. Law on general budget is being amended and law on foreign loans and aid regulation is being cancelled some provisions.

An official statement of Prime Minister’s visit to Kuwait

Prime Minister S.Batbold paid an official visit to Kuwait between January 4 and 6, by an invitation from his counterpart of Kuwait Sheikh Sabah IV Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah Mohamed Nasser, the Emir of Kuwait. Premier S.Batbold and Sheikh Sabah IV

Draft protocol submitted to Parliament

Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade G.Zandanshatar submitted a draft protocol of Mongolia’s foreign policy ideology to Speaker D.Demberel on January 8. The draft was developed in demand to increase foreign relations’ profit and economy because Mongolia’s foreign relations and
