News.MN - The source of news

Science Academy has adequate budget

Labor Union of Science Academy announced press conference because the Government has planned deficient budget to SA. Labor Union opposed that MNT298.8 million has not accounted to SA budget while the state officials’ salary is increased by 30%. The amount

Capital city officials plan to fight alcoholism

Ulaanbaatar’s Council of Crime Prevention /CCP/ concluded its work of 2010.   Members noted that crime condition relating to alcohol has threatened people however crime number was decreased. Therefore, members urged to fight alcoholism in 2011.The CCP has processed general plan

Reagan inspired Mongolia’s president to seek democracy

Tsakhia Elbegdorj never met Ronald Reagan. Yet the young Mongolian found the American president”s words so inspiring while he was studying in the Soviet Union during the 1980s that they changed his life — and the course of his own

“Made in Mongolia” fair exhibition is being organized

The Government of Mongolia annually organizes fair exhibition “Made in Mongolia” before Tsagaan sar celebration. The Government, the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry, Small and Middle Enterprisers’ Board, Found for SME Development and Professional Unions’ Federated Council organize

Number of street children down by 30%

Project named “Music in children’s development” has been implemented last year to socialize street children living on streets without their parents’ control through music.  Project has involved 45 children, registered by Child Care Center under Ulaanbaatar Police Department. The children

MPs approve to discuss draft law on Parliament procedures

Working group’s processed draft law on Parliament procedures has been approved to discussion by 82.5% and MPs’ processed draft law on same item has been approved by 87.5% at the session on January 13.Parliament of Mongolia has not decided by

Civil movements to gather

Civil movements will gather in meeting Freedom-16 on January 16 in front of building of the Mayor’s Office or Sukhbaatar Square’s right side.O.Magnai, the leader of civil movement, People’s Union to Require Promise, P.Bold, Head of civil movement My Mongolia’s

Law on Parliament procedures violates the Constitution

Law on Parliament procedures has been recently amended and the Standing Committees’ meetings are closed to journalists who can not get information. But some MPs are going to submit draft law that to open the Standing Committees’ meetings.Our reporter talks

Programmers request support

Young Programmers Union of Mongolia appeal request to decision makers that to reduce Value Added Tax of software program products and service; to exempt VAT and economic entities taxation of software products and service along the national export support of

Police protecting gold mines

Joint group of police and military are guarding Shijir Alt and Zeregtsee gold mines of Mongolrostsvetmet Union LLC in Zaamar soum of Tuv aimag by a Government protocol. Police and military personnel will have improved monitoring of illegal mining activities
