News.MN - The source of news

Raw coal is banned to burn in ger districts

The DP group in Parliament yesterday discussed draft law on air pollution reduction in Ulaanbaatar city that has been submitted by President Ts.Elbegdorj. Ulaanbaatar city where live 1.2 million residents or 40% of total population of Mongolia has air pollution

Mongolia has 119 million tons of petroleum reserve

Mongolia has 119 million tons of exploration petroleum reserve at present in Tamsag of Dornogobi aimag and in Matad of Dornod aimag where Petro China Dachin Tamsag LLC and Danshen Gazriin Tos LLC have been exploring for 12 years. The

D.Enkhbat to chair an alliance

Civil Will Party, which has not changed its head for ten years, agreed to nominate Chairman of the alliance from Green Party or MP D.Enkhbat will chair the alliance party and register Civil Will- Green Party in state registration of

Umnugobi aimag leads in number of coal licenses

According to data of Mineral Resources Authority, Umnugobi aimag has the most number of coal exploitation licenses in 143.5 thousand hectares exploitation. Dundgobi aimag has licenses in 37.8 thousand hectares, Baganuur district in 4.8 thousand hectares, Gobisumber in 4.4 thousand

Japanese two groups to bid in Tavantolgoi

The source informs that two companies from Japan have submitted bid to exploit coal in Tavantolgoi deposit mine, which is the largest coal basin in the world. The commercial group Mitsui and Co has sent bid for tender selection to

Mongolian state’s anniversary observation measures begin

Official opening ceremony of Mongolian state’s 2220th anniversary was held in National Museum of Mongolia on January 31 where exhibition of Khunnu state nobles has been displayed for ten days.  Our reporter talked to B.Enkhtuvshin, the President of Science Academy

Sony Ericsson Xperia Play (Playstation Phone)

Өнгөрсөн оны сүүлээс эхлүүлэн PSP2, PSPhone-ийн талаар төрөл бүрийн материалууд интернэтээр цацагдаж эхэлсэн. Тухайн үедээ Sony-оос “ийм төрлийн бүтээгдэхүүн хөгжүүлэлт огт байхгүй” гэх мэтээр мэдэгдэж байсан нь одоо байгаа PSP-ийнхээ борлуулалтад анхаарсан байж магадгүй л юм. Он гараад Sony-оос PSP2,


Nvidia Tegra систем мобайл зах зээлд хүч түрэн орж ирж байна. Хир баргийн ноутбүүк, компьютер ажиллуулж хүчрэхгүй тоглоом, програмыг гар утсан дээрээ ядах юмгүй ажиллуулж дөнгөнө. Мөн үүнээс гадна 720p, бүр Full HD 1080p видеог ажиллуулж чадна гээд бод доо.Юуны

Former Mongolian president named chairman of new party

Enkhbayar Nambar, the former president and prime minister of
Mongolia, has been elected chairman of a new political party created on Friday.

At the end of a two-day conference, the new party was formed and was called
“Mongolian People”s Revolutionary Party,” a name

Mongolia Wants To Step Up Cooperation With Ukraine

Mongolia wants to step up the cooperation with Ukraine in economy,
education, culture, and the defense sector.

Ukrainian News learned this from a statement by the press office of
President Viktor Yanukovych of Ukraine

According to the statement, President Viktor Yanukovych met with
