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Winter festivals in Mongolia in February

With the weather set to be stable next month, we’ve compiled information on local, national, and international festivals you can visit over the weekend in Mongolia.

MPRP officials hopeful of Supreme Court decision

Managing officials of the MPRP are hopeful that the State Supreme Court will allow
their group to be registered as the MPRP. Their hope stems from the fact that
their plea has not been rejected while the deadline for a decision draws

April 1 to be Green evening

The Ministry of Justice and Internal Affairs, the General Police Department, the Health Support Foundation and My Club NGO will jointly organize Green Friday on April 1 to celebrate an evening without alcohol and smoking as part of a project

Protective measures mooted for artisanal miners

SwissAid, an independent development agency based in Switzerland, is now working on regulating the activities of ninjas or unorganized miners and to draft laws guaranteeing them some security. It recently signed an agreement with the Ministry of Mineral Resources and

Meeting to discuss human resources in mining

An NGO, Human Resource Development in Mining, and the Union of Professional Human Resource Managers will jointly hold a meeting on how to utilize human qualities to their maximum at the State Academic Theater of Drama at 9.30 am on

Oyutolgoi LLC to grant USD1 million as SME loan in Umnugobi

Oyutolgoi LLC will grant an amount equivalent to USD1 million as loan to small and medium enterprises of Umnugobi aimag through XacBank. It estimates 50,000 citizens will borrow up to MNT30 million at 1% monthly interest. Their businesses could also

Shop stopped from selling Khalkh Gol war weapons

When an antique shop in Kherlen soum of Dornod aimag offered to sell a pistol, three guns, 12 machine gun bullets and four swords, citizens approached the State Specialized Inspecting Agency.  Inspectors checked the shop and confiscated all the items

D.Ochirbat wants better deal for health and education sector workers

The Chief of the Standing Committee on Social Policy, Education, Culture and Science, D.Ochirbat, answers our reporter’s questions.What did your Committee do in Orkhon aimag?We are now reviewing some draft laws on Health Insurance, and on Health and Employment Support.

No date set for hearing Khurts’s appeal

Our reporter asked B.Bolor, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade and the Head of the working group monitoring the case against B.Khurts in Britain, about the status of his appeal against extradition to Germany. When would the appeal be

3,392 Mongolians working in Oyutolgoi construction

Of the 5,000 people now working at the Oyutolgoi mine construction, 3,392 are Mongolian, 1,294 Chinese and the remaining 406 from other countries. The mine is in Umnugobi aimag which has provided 924 workers — 578 from Khanbogd soum, 23

Speaker urges quick end to Khushuut mines disputes

During his visit to Khovd aimag, Speaker D.Demberel paid a visit to the Khushuut mines on March 27 and studied the situation there. D.Battulga, Media Director of Mo-En Co LLC, which runs the mine, gave the Speaker information and answered
