Mongolian Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene is paying a work visit to the People’s Republic of China.
Mongolian Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene is paying a work visit to the People’s Republic of China.
More coal is being exported through the Ereen border point in China, with the figure reaching 30,000 tons in January and February. This is expected to rise as China now encourages mineral resources import and the administration of Ereen city
The State Supreme Court yesterday ruled in favor of a complaint by D.Basandorj and O.Bum-Yalagch that a special meeting of the Green Party on February 19, 2011 had acted illegally in changing the party’s rules. The Court has said it
Хаслинда эфирт гарахаар бэлтгэж байлаа. 13.05 цагт түүний нэрийг хөтөлбөрт “зоожээ”. Блүүмбергийн Сингапур дахь салбараас өдөр тутам шуурхай мэдээлэл дамжуулдаг Хаслинда Аминыг дэлхийн сая сая үзэгч сайн мэднэ. Харин энэ өдөр цацах шинэ мэдээллийнх нь талаар хэн ч урьдчилан хэлж
KOIKA, the international cooperation organization of South Korea, will fund and implement the USD22.6-million project to supply drinking water to the 100,000 apartments the Government of Mongolia will build in Nisekh Yarmag. Following a memorandum signed by Prime Minister S.Batbold
The number of tourists has been increasing every year and about 450,000 tourists visited Mongolia in 2010. The Tourism Authority, however, feels revenue from tourism could be much higher if more visitors are the high-end type. Of last year’s number,
The Director of the UN Population Fund of Asia and Pacific Regional Office, Mrs. Nobuko Horibe, is visiting Mongolia between April 4 and 8 on an invitation by the Ministry of Health, to mark the 50th anniversary of cooperation between
Zuunii Medee newspaper and the Union of Mongolian Entrepreneurs are jointly sponsoring a contest to select the best green business project submitted by youth in 30 countries of the world. The Mongolian National Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Ministry
The Chief of the State Specialized Inspection Agency, R.Sodkhuu, and the President of the Institute of Accountants, L.Enkh-Amgalan, signed a memorandum of cooperation on April 1 to ensure observance of better bookkeeping methods in state-owned and budget organizations, to practice
The head of the Democratic Party unit in Ulaanbaatar, Sh.Tuvdendorj, presented a political report at a meeting of its managing council on Saturday. He noted that the election of 2012 was not far off and warned that the contest among
The Government meeting on March 30 decided to establish a Standing Council headed by the Deputy Prime Minister M.Enkhbol to recommend measures to minimize damage from earthquake and to ensure permanent readiness among professional organizations. The Council held its first