With the weather set to be stable next month, we’ve compiled information on local, national, and international festivals you can visit over the weekend in Mongolia.
With the weather set to be stable next month, we’ve compiled information on local, national, and international festivals you can visit over the weekend in Mongolia.
Parliament began its Spring session today, with 93.4% of members, including Prime Minister S.Batbold, present. Among others who attended the opening ceremony were President Ts.Elbegdorj, some members of the Government, Chiefs of Agencies and some foreign diplomatic representatives. Speaker D.Demberel
Speaker D.Demberel yesterday received Chinese Ambassador Wang Xiaolong for their first meeting since Mr. Wang’s appointment. He hoped the new Ambassador would further strengthen the strategic partnership of Mongolia and China. He noted the importance of wider economic relations and
The Physical Culture and Sports Board is organizing an international meeting on children’s sports in Ulaanbaatar on April 7. About 100 delegates — from Russia, China, the USA, Canada and Hungary and from the six sports schools in Mongolia, and
The best ten Mongolian companies in the food and light industry, agriculture, construction, wholesale and tourism sectors would take part in the Silk Road Forum for businessmen from 24 countries to be held in Trabson, Turkey between April 27 and
Parliament Speaker D.Demberel yesterday received the Director of the Asia and Pacific Regional Office of the UN Population Fund, Mrs. Nobuko Horibe, and exchanged opinions on cooperation. The Chief of the Standing Committee on Social Policy, Education, Culture and Science,
Officials of the Nuclear Energy Authority of Mongolia have denied reports in foreign media that the U.S. administration has held informal talks with Mongolia about the possibility that it might host an international repository for its region”s spent nuclear fuel.
More coal is being exported through the Ereen border point in China, with the figure reaching 30,000 tons in January and February. This is expected to rise as China now encourages mineral resources import and the administration of Ereen city
The State Supreme Court yesterday ruled in favor of a complaint by D.Basandorj and O.Bum-Yalagch that a special meeting of the Green Party on February 19, 2011 had acted illegally in changing the party’s rules. The Court has said it
Хаслинда эфирт гарахаар бэлтгэж байлаа. 13.05 цагт түүний нэрийг хөтөлбөрт “зоожээ”. Блүүмбергийн Сингапур дахь салбараас өдөр тутам шуурхай мэдээлэл дамжуулдаг Хаслинда Аминыг дэлхийн сая сая үзэгч сайн мэднэ. Харин энэ өдөр цацах шинэ мэдээллийнх нь талаар хэн ч урьдчилан хэлж
KOIKA, the international cooperation organization of South Korea, will fund and implement the USD22.6-million project to supply drinking water to the 100,000 apartments the Government of Mongolia will build in Nisekh Yarmag. Following a memorandum signed by Prime Minister S.Batbold