Mongolian Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene is paying a work visit to the People’s Republic of China.
Mongolian Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene is paying a work visit to the People’s Republic of China.
Monday’s meeting of the DP group in Parliament discussed four issues, its Chief, Ch.Saikhanbileg, told journalists. While agreeing to discuss in Parliament a protocol on the state policy on border points, the MPs said several issues have to be clarified
Several scholars and analysts presented their views at a conference on Friday organized by the Ministries of Mineral Resources and Energy, of Nature, Environment and Tourism and the Mineral Resources Authority on mining as the basis of development. Altogether 30
The UN General Assembly has designated 2012 as the international year of cooperatives. A preparatory meeting will be held in Ulaanbaatar from May 3 to 6 on how the year will be observed in Mongolia. It has been jointly organized
Minister for Finance S.Bayartsogt today left for Hanoi leading the Mongolian team to the 44th Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors of the Asian Development Bank between May 3 and 6. He will talk about the Mongolian economy at
Three of the four Mongolian men competing at the American Cup jiu jitsu tournament in San Jose of the USA won medals. O.Bold-Erdene (82 kg) and B.Ariun-Erdene (100 kg) won gold medals while G.Erdenebayar (88 kg) won a bronze medal.
The 11th mining death in Nalaikh in 2011 happened on April 29 when a mine wall caved in about 100 meters under the ground. Four workers of Ikh ursgal LLC were in the pit. Two of them were untouched by
The Russian decision to halt all petroleum product export for an indefinite period from May 1 does not apply to Mongolia. The Ministry of Mineral Resources and Energy and the Mineral Resources and Petroleum Authority have reassured people that the
The Government has decided to pay the tuition fees of all students who secure admission to any of 50 selected universities of the world. At present, the Government pays USD16,000 as scholarship to certain students in foreign universities. Prime Minister
Some MPs led by Ya.Batsuuri and D.Odbayar asked the Government on Friday to scrap the scheme to sell 10% of Erdenes-Tavantolgoi shares to business entities. They want the shares so earmarked to be distributed free to all citizens instead. Parliament
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