News.MN - The source of news

D.Suldbayar wins a silver medal at US Open

D.Suldbayar won a silver medal at the US Open Jiu Jitsu wrestling contest in New York on April 16. Altogether 500 wrestlers from 20 countries competed in the tournament and Suldbayar (76 kg) lost his chance for a gold medal

Meeting on tourism to be held in Dornod aimag

The Ministry of Nature, Environment and Tourism, the Governor’s Office of Dornod aimag and the Association of Teachers and Researchers of Tourism are jointly organizing a three-day meeting on tourism with neighbors in Choibalsan of Dornod aimag to start on

City lighting to be improved

City lighting is set to improve with use of new technology and under new management. The General Manager of Ulaanbaatar, Ch.Bat, recently concluded an agreement with certain companies to this effect. The companies have been selected in an open tender

Use of regular troops leads to less crime on borders

The Chief of the Border Protection Office, Ts.Sergelen, told the Standing Committee on Justice yesterday that the decision to use professional army personnel on contract to protect parts of the borders from 2010 has led to a fall in the

Judge hopes reforms will improve courts’ work

Judge General of the Court of Administration Matters of Ulaanbaatar, Kh.Batsuren, talks to our journalist about the court.Since yours is a relatively new court, will it be easier to introduce reforms here? We have jurisdiction over 200 state administrative organizations

Power plant to be built at Mogoin Gol mine

The Government meeting yesterday approved a concession agreement between the State Property Committee and New Asia Mining Group LLC to build a power plant  based on coal from the Mogoin Gol mine. Concerned Ministries will now prepare the papers to

Lao women’s team in Mongolia for a week

Delegates from Laos headed by the Vice President of Women’s Union of Laos are visiting Mongolia on an invitation from the DP Democratic Women’s Union. They will be here for a week and study the work of NGOs and other

Proposal to raise power and heating costs submitted to Government

Minister for Mineral Resources and Energy D.Zorigt answers our reporter’s questions on the proposal to increase electricity and heating rates that he submitted at yesterday’s Government meeting.Is the increase certain?The Energy Regulatory Authority (ERA) has independent status and has the

Civil movement members put up gers in Sukhbaatar Square

Members of three civil movements -United for Rivers and Lakes, Khuder River, and Gal Undesten – converged on Sukhbaatar Square yesterday morning with 100 horsemen and horse carts and put up eight gers there. An earlier plan to demonstrate had

People offer flowers to the statue of Zorig

The birthday of S.Zorig, a leader of the democratic movement who was killed in his prime with the murderer yet to be caught, was observed this morning in the way that has become a tradition, with family members, friends, political
