News.MN - The source of news

MP happy at progress of New Creation program

The questions MP S.Byambatsogt asked Prime Minister
S.Batbold on implementation of the New Creation program were answered in
Parliament by Minister for Road, Transportation and Urban Development
Kh.Battulga on May 27. MPs were told 75,000 apartments would be built in
Denjiin Myanga, Yarmag, Buyant

Restricted zone households to burn 40 ton of coking coal

The fourth meeting of the national committee to reduce air
pollution in the capital was held on Thursday, with the Chief of the Office of
the President, D.Battulga, in the chair. It discussed the establishment of restricted
zones, electricity supply to 6,000 households

Judge explains why ACA officials’ appeal was rejected

The Judge General of
Ulaanbaatar Court, B.Sarantuya, sent on Friday to the Office of the President
and to the Speaker explanatory notes on her rejection of the appeals of Anti
Corruption Authority officials against their conviction by a primary court. She
asserted that evidence

Balanced Tourism – 2011 helps local tour operators

Tourism professionals
from abroad gave tips to local participants at Balanced Tourism – 2011, a
seminar organized on Thursday by the Ministry of Nature, Environment and
Tourism. Among the examples covered were how to build a tourism complex, and
how to develop tourism orientation

President goes to Russia on May 30

Ts.Elbegdorj will visit Russia from May 30 to June 3 and will hold talks with
President D.Medvedev, Premier V.Putin and other officials. He will also visit
St. Petersburg to meet with Mongolists and to see a collection of Mongolia-related
historical and cultural items.

Call of Duty 4

Цэргийн Дуудлага хэмээх тоглоомыг мэдэхгүй хүн тоглоом сонирхогч байна
гэж үү. Тэгвэл та бид алдарт цувралынхаа цоо шинэ ангийг хүлээн авахад
бэлэн болжээ. Шинэ ангийн нэр нь “Орчин үеийн дайн” гэсэн нэртэй.
Цэргийн дуудлага бол Activision компанийн нэрийн хуудас гэхэд

Human Rights Commission group to work in western aimags

A group from the Human Rights National Commission will
soon be working in the four western aimags of Gobi-Altai, Khovd, Bayan-Ulgii
and Uvs. It will conduct workshops on human rights, hear citizens’ complaints,
and monitor the human rights record of the local administrations.

Spring session ends on July 1

The Spring session of
Parliament will end on July 1, the date fixed in the new law on Parliament. MPs
are working to a tight schedule as several important law drafts have to be
taken up in the remaining time.

NATO delegates on a visit

A NATO delegation is
now on a visit to Mongolia and has called on President Ts.Elbegdorj, who is
also the Commander-General of the Armed Forces. The team is scheduled to visit the
Ministry of Defense and the headquarters of the Armed Forces.

17 steam boilers to be decommissioned

Mayor G.Munkhbayar
and Minister of Environment, Nature and Tourism L.Gansukh yesterday decided to stop
the use of steam boilers for heating after a visit to Tsagaan Davaa and Tsagdaa
micro districts. They saw how much coal is burnt to run such boilers and
