Mongolian Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene is paying a work visit to the People’s Republic of China.
Mongolian Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene is paying a work visit to the People’s Republic of China.
Some 40 Korean and 100 Mongolian companies are attending a business forum in Ulaanbaatar today. It has been jointly organized by the Foreign Investment and Foreign Trade Agency, the South Korean Embassy to Mongolia, the Mail Kongje media group of
Prime Minister S.Batbold will be visiting China for two days in the
middle of this month, the exact dates to be announced later. Before
arriving on the mainland, Batbold will be in Hong Kong, a special
administrative region of China.
Оросын холбооны улсын Сибирийн зүүн хэсэгт Забайкаль орчмын “Апсацкое”
коксжсон нүүрсний орд газрын 60 хувийг 90 сая доллараар худалдан авахаар
болжээ. Тус орд нь ойролцоогоор 675 сая тонн нөөцтэй юм. Winsway Coking
Coal-ийн хувь эзэмшигч Hopu Investment Management Co нь
Компани гол төсөл болох Ховдын
Хөшөөтийн нүүрсний уурхай нь 460 сая тонн нүүрсний баялагтай бөгөөд
нөөцийн 149 сая тонн нь Австралийн JORC стандартаар тогтоогдсон болно.
Тус компани 2011 оны санхүүгийн жилийн төлөв байдлийн талаар мэдэгдэл
гаргаад байна.
Компани гол төсөл болох Ховдын Хөшөөтийн нүүрсний уурхай нь 460 сая тонн нүүрсний баялагтай бөгөөд нөөцийн 149 сая тонн нь Австралийн JORC стандартаар тогтоогдсон болно. Тус компани 2011 оны санхүүгийн жилийн төлөв байдлийн талаар мэдэгдэл гаргаад байна.
The DP group in Parliament met on Monday to hear from Ch.Saikhanbileg,
E.Bat-Uul and Z.Enkhbold on what their working group is doing on a draft law on
the election structure. Saikhanbileg later told journalists the group favors a
combined 50:26
The MPs also
President Ts.Elbegdorj
will officially visit the USA between June 13 and 18 and meet with President
Obama on June 16. He will hold talks with congressmen and administration officials
and sign agreements.
His visit will begin at Seattle, where he will hold discussions
A civil movement will
today organize a protest in Sukhbaatar Square at 11 am “to save the people by
expelling the MPP-DP political and economic criminal group from the Mongolian
Government”. It has appealed to “all with a patriotic heart” to join the
The Standing
Committee on Justice yesterday discussed a draft law on auto insurance after
its working group had suggested several amendments to it. The group rejects the
idea of drivers being responsible for paying the insurance as also to collect
the payment following an
Officials of the City Administration yesterday discussed
plans for greening the city and reviewed their other work in the last three
weeks. Altogether MNT9 billion has been given to the nine districts but the
meeting felt more is needed to plant trees and