News.MN - The source of news

PM attends World Economic Forum on East Asia

Premier S.Batbold was among the leaders of 40 countries who
attended the World Economic Forum on East Asia 2011 on June 12-13 in Jakarta,
Indonesia. The theme of the forum was “Responding to the New Globalism”, and
the around 600 participants discussed issues

MP Sh.Saikhansambuu gives statement to ACA

The Anti Corruption Authority (ACA)
recently asked MP Sh.Saikhansambuu to explain his claim to newspapers that he
knew MPs who have taken bribes. The Ulaanbaatar Prosecutors’ Office had studied
the contents of his interview and transferred the case to the ACA as it

Mongolia-China bilateral commission meets, signs two agreements

Two agreements were signed at the
12th meeting of the Mongolia-China commission for trade, economy,
science and technology in Ulaanbaatar yesterday. One was on general cooperation
in economy and technology, and the other on a soft loan of USD300 million from
China for building

Prague Zoo sending 4 Przewalski’s horses to Mongolia today

The Czech military is to
transport four rare horses to Khomiin Tal Reserve in west Mongolia today as
part of long-running efforts by Prague Zoo to help preserve the Przewalski”s
breed. A stallion and three mares of the Asian breed – which became

Khan-Uul district and MNCCI establish business council

The Governor’s Office of Khan-Uul
district and the Mongolian National Chamber of Commerce and Industry yesterday decided
to set up a Busines Council of Khan-Uul district. Citizens and business
organizations could meet there to exchange data, hold consultations, conduct trainings
etc. to take the

PM claims 80.8% implementation of program

Speaking in Parliament on June 10
Prime Minister S.Batbold said 80.8% of the measures planned to develop economic
and social conditions in 2010 had been successfully implemented. However, the
Chief of the National Audit Authority (NAA), R.Radnaa, has said that according
to an NAA

State budget has surplus as household expenses rise

According to the National
Statistics Committee, average household expenses were MNT487,200 at the end of
March, 2011, MNT109,100 more than in March, 2010. Inflation rose by 1.8% in May.

The state budget showed a surplus
of MNT89 billion at the end of May. Unemployment

Mongolia, China to repatriate prisoners

An agreement would be signed
during Prime Minister S.Batbold’s official visit to China for repatriation of convicted
prisoners. Mongolia made a suggestion for this in 2005 and talks since then
have finally led to the present agreement.

The agreement will also allow the

Excise tax on fuel is reduced

The special meeting of the
Government on June 10 decided to reduce excise tax on fuel with effect from
June 15. The tax on A-80 coming through border points at Sukhbaatar,
Zamiin-Uud, Ereentsav and Altanbulag has been reduced from MNT170,000 per ton
to MNT80,000.
