News.MN - The source of news

Gal Undesten delivers demand note to seven mining companies

Gal Undesten Union yesterday told journalists that it has
delivered demand notes to seven mining companies in Selenge and Darkhan-Uul
aimags in the last two weeks. Of them, Puraam LLC in Mandal soum of Selenge
aimag has stopped its activity and Buurgent LLC

Foreign Ministries of Mongolia and Switzerland hold consultative meeting

The second
consultative meeting of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Mongolia and
Switzerland was held in Ulaanbaatar between June 18 and 20. State Secretary at
the Ministry D.Tsogtbaatar headed the Mongolian delegates while the visiting
team was led by Biit Nobs, State Secretary

Forum to discuss State service reform

Organizers of a national
forum on reforming State service, to be held in Government House on June 23,
expect 600 delegates from the capital and the provinces to participate in it. The
idea of holding the forum came from Prime Minister S.Batbold. Much

Civil Chamber to discuss draft law on judicial reform tomorrow

The Civil Chamber of
the President will organize an open discussion on judicial reform tomorrow.
Senior Advisor of the President P.Tsagaan yesterday told journalists a
six-point draft of a reform agenda will be presented at the meeting. It has
been prepared by a working

Labor Fair at Trade Union Cultural Palace ends today

Today is the final
day of the two-day Labor Fair jointly organized by the Ministry of Social
Welfare and Labor, the Employers’ Union and the Labor Welfare Office at the
Trade Union Cultural Palace. Employers and job seekers who have graduated from
institutes, universities

D.Altankhuyag will again dance in Swan Lake

Sunday’s production
at the State Academic Theater of Opera and Ballet of Swan Lake by Tchaikovski,
with D.Altankhuyag in the main role and guest dancers from foreign countries in
supporting roles, was a huge success. There will be another production of the
ballet on

Citizens can ask for land in three districts of Ulaanbaatar

With no land
available for distribution in the other districts of Ulaanbaatar, citizens can
now apply for free land for household use in only Khan-Uul, Nalaikh and
Songinokhairkhan. The offer will close in May, 2012. Citizens who have not been
allocated land should apply

Journalists attend training on how courts function

The Media Department of the State Supreme Court organized
a training for journalists on June 17, as it did last year. The Judge General
of the Appeal Court for Administrative Cases, Ts.Tsogt, explained to participants
how his court differed from others, and the

T.Munkhzul becomes a master of the WCF

Nine-year old T.Munkhzul, bronze medal winner at the
World Students’ Chess Championship in Krakow, won the Southeast Asian Chess
Championship in Indonesia for girls under 10 and became a master of the World
Chess Federation. The tournament featured 27 competitors.
T.Munkhzul also won

Ts.Shinebayar appeals to Supreme Court

MP Ts.Shinebayar and N.Udval,
both leaders of the new group claiming to use the name MPRP today appealed through
advocate O.Baasankhuu to the State Supreme Court to re-examine the issue. The
Supreme Court earlier referred to the Constitutional Court a provision in the
