News.MN - The source of news

20 gers washed away

Yesterday’s heavy
rain washed away 20 gers in the Ulaanbaatar districts, with Bayanzurkh,
Chingeltei and Sukhbaatar the worst affected areas. Some 150 rescue workers of
the Emergency Department of the districts are at work. The extent of loss has
not been computed yet.

Chiefs of Ferrous Metal Factory under investigation

The Anti Corruption
Authority will conduct further investigation against seven  present and former senior officials of
Ferrous Metal Factory of Darkhan as the Ulaanbaatar Prosecutors Office feels it
needs more evidence to initiate criminal proceedings against them. The charge
against them is one of

North Asia Resources Holdings Ltd – 0061 –

Тус компани нь 2010 оны наймдугаар сард  нийтдээ 79 сая тонны нөөцтэй
төмөрийн хүдрийн Монгол дахь хоёр орд газрыг 170 сая юаниар худалдан
авах анхны гэрээ байгуулсан ч өнгөрсөн тавдугаар сард тус гэрээг цуцлах
шийдвэр гаргаснаа мэдэгдсэн бөгөөд шалтгаанаа тодруулаагүй

Standing Committee approves more discussion on firearms draft

The Standing Committee on
Justice yesterday approved further discussion of a draft law on firearms. The
draft seeks to bar foreigners from owning guns and to impose restrictions on
Mongolian gun owners.
Inspection has become lax in recent years and the number of

Plans to have a national association for Morin Khuur

leader of the Morin Khuur band Domog, O.Bat-Orshikh, plans to form a National
Song and Music Association which will unite the 30 or so bands that play the
national music. He wants the NSMA to hold an annual festival regularly where
the best

Each soum will get money for SME development

The Chief
of the SME Office, Ts.Nyam-Osor, has told the Uls Turiin Toim newspaper that
the MNT24 billion in the Production Development Fund will be spent on setting
up and strengthening SMEs in soums all over the country. Each soum will be
allocated between

2,880 households to be urgently moved

Khan-Uul and
Songinokhairkhan districts of Ulaanbaatar have taken up a project to quickly
relocate 2,880 households to areas free from threat of flooding. MNT34.87
billion will be spent on their removal, payment of compensation, and
establishing the new settlement. The district administrations also plan

MPP group agrees to combined election structure

The Chief of the MPP
group in Parliament, D.Lundeejantsan, told media that yesterday’s meeting of
the group agreed with the decision of the Managing Council of the MPP that members
of Parliament should be elected under a system that calls for both direct

Mongolian companies will execute Chinese loan projects

Minister for Finance S.Bayartsogt yesterday told
journalists that of the 10 agreements signed during Prime Minister S.Batbold’s
official visit to China between June 13 and 17, six were related to the economy.

One of these was on a Chinese Government soft
loan of USD500
