News.MN - The source of news

Main roads will be opened before Naadam

Traffic jams have become common because many roads are being repaired and widened. The city authorities have instructed all involved in the work that all roads must be opened to traffic before Naadam. On Monday a team led by the

PM asks for regular updates on fuel situation

Prime Minister S.Batbold called Minister for Mineral Resources and Energy D.Zorigt and the Chief of the Petroleum Authority, J.Amarsaikhan, to a meeting yesterday to discuss the petroleum situation. He expressed surprise and unhappiness that all sorts of contradictory rumors were

DP MPs want state-owned company to be sole oil importer

MP B. Batjargal talks to our journalist after a working group he headed on the petroleum situation had submitted its report to the DP group in Parliament at a special meeting yesterday. What did your working group say in the

Mongolia asks China for 22,000 tons of petroleum immediately

Mongolia has requested China for immediate supply of 22,000 tons of AI-92 petroleum and of regular monthly supplies of 10,000 tons thereafter. Deputy Prime Minister M.Enkhbold, who heads the Mongolian team at meetings of the Mongolia-China Commission, made the request

PM asks for regular updates on fuel situation

Prime Minister S.Batbold called Minister for
Mineral Resources and Energy D.Zorigt and the Chief of the Petroleum Authority,
J.Amarsaikhan, to a meeting yesterday to discuss the petroleum situation. He expressed
surprise and unhappiness that all sorts of contradictory rumors were being
allowed to spread,

CiDRA wins major flow contract at Oyu Tolgoi

Rio Tinto has chosen CiDRA Minerals
Processing’s flow monitoring systems as its preferred technology for use on
slurry lines at Oyu Tolgoi. CiDRA will instrument 30 lines at the new
concentrator, where the SONARtrac systems will provide increased
accuracy and reduced maintenance costs.


Eznis Airways agrees to ”Total Support” package from BAE Systems

Eznis Airways, Mongolia’s leading
domestic airline, has agreed to a three-year support package with BAE Systems
for its newly acquired fleet of two Avro RJ85 regional jetliners. This ‘Total
Support’ package from BAE Systems Regional Aircraft covers JetSpares as well as
ongoing Continuing Airworthiness

N.Enkhbayr: MPRP will participate in parliament election

MPRP newly registered as a political party by
the supreme court  made an announcement
yesterday.  A few months of  issue related to get that name was decided on
last Friday. Our journalist talked to N. Enkhbayr, the head
of MPRP about this issue.

-MPRP has

Minister orders petroleum to be sold only for cash

The Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy told
importers at a meeting on Monday evening to immediately stop selling petroleum against
cards or tokens and not to make any similar arrangement in the future. He
instructed them to sell for cash from Tuesday.

MIAT passengers stranded after South Korea refuses extra flights

Failure to get the expected
permission for extra flights in summer led to about 200 passengers booked on a
MIAT Mongolian Airlines Seoul-Ulaanbaatar flight being stranded in Seoul airport
on June 22. MIAT had planned two extra flights on June 22 and 23
