News.MN - The source of news

Eznis Airways agrees to ”Total Support” package from BAE Systems

Eznis Airways, Mongolia’s leading
domestic airline, has agreed to a three-year support package with BAE Systems
for its newly acquired fleet of two Avro RJ85 regional jetliners. This ‘Total
Support’ package from BAE Systems Regional Aircraft covers JetSpares as well as
ongoing Continuing Airworthiness

N.Enkhbayr: MPRP will participate in parliament election

MPRP newly registered as a political party by
the supreme court  made an announcement
yesterday.  A few months of  issue related to get that name was decided on
last Friday. Our journalist talked to N. Enkhbayr, the head
of MPRP about this issue.

-MPRP has

Minister orders petroleum to be sold only for cash

The Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy told
importers at a meeting on Monday evening to immediately stop selling petroleum against
cards or tokens and not to make any similar arrangement in the future. He
instructed them to sell for cash from Tuesday.

MIAT passengers stranded after South Korea refuses extra flights

Failure to get the expected
permission for extra flights in summer led to about 200 passengers booked on a
MIAT Mongolian Airlines Seoul-Ulaanbaatar flight being stranded in Seoul airport
on June 22. MIAT had planned two extra flights on June 22 and 23

President visits his old academy in Ukraine

President Ts.Elbegdorj, accompanied by his wife
Kh.Bolormaa, began his state visit to Ukraine on Sunday in Lvov city. That day
he visited the Academy of the Land Forces of Ukraine and met teachers and
cadets there. The President graduated from this Academy in

No smoking in Government House

A total ban on smoking in Government House has been in
force since June 26.  The initiative was
taken by the staff, most of whom do not smoke. They made a request to some MPs,
the Head of the President’s Office, D.Battulga, the

MPP group head hints at progress on draft election law

The head of the MPP group in Parliament, U. Enkhtuvshin,
has said that a special group set up to review  the  party’s stand on the draft election has been
busy holding meetings to discuss several new suggestions. He assured media that
progress will

Civil Will-Green Party to stick to stand on election law

The Civil Will-Green Party told a press
conference yesterday that it opposed the MPP stand on the draft election law as
continuing with the present system of directly electing MPs would not be good
for country.  The system has outlived its
value and needs

Summer wine dinner Domaine De La Baume

Дарсны салбартаа тэргүүлэгч Ноён Уул Эрдэнэ  Компаний  уламжлал болгон зохиодог дарстай  оройн зоог энэ  удаад SUMMER WINE DINNER  нэртэйгээр 10 дахь удаагаа францын алдарт  зураач Монегийн нэрээр нэрлэгдсэн ресторанд олон сонирхолтой сюрпризээр дүүрэн болж өндөрлөлөө.   Ноён Уул Эрдэнэ компани хэрэглэгчдэд

MPP sees political reason behind court decision

The Executive Committee of the MPP held a meeting on Friday soon after the Supreme Court gave its unexpected ruling that the new political grouping under former President M.Enkhbayar will be registered as the 19th political party in Mongolia and
