Mongolian Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene is paying a work visit to the People’s Republic of China.
Mongolian Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene is paying a work visit to the People’s Republic of China.
The Chief of the MPP group in Parliament, U.Enkhtuvshin, has said the he and his counterpart in the DP group have signed an agreement to allow Parliament to carry on its normal work. This means issues like the budget statement,
Байгууллагын мэдээллийн урсгалын дэд бүтцийг оновчтой зохион байгуулах “ESG SOLUTIONS TRAINING” мэдээллийн технологийн сургалт-семинар амжилттай зохион байгууллагдлаа.Мэдээллийн технологийн цогц шийдлийг нийлүүлэгч М-Си-Эс Электроникс компани Dell корпорацитай хамтран “Ий Эс Жи Солюшн” нэртэй мэдээллийн технологийн сургалт-семинарыг өчигдөр Continental зочид буудлын хурлын
UNESCO Director-General Irina
Bokova will visit Mongolia between July 9 and 12 on invitation from Prime
Minister S.Batbold to attend celebrations of the 90th anniversary of
the People’s Revolution and Naadam.
During her visit, a memorandum of
understanding between Mongolia and the UN body
The VIII Bogd Khaan Palace Museum
today opens an exhibition of rare art objects, including paintings of deities,
the Choijin Lama’s knotted steel sword with spiritual power, an Arabian sword
of the 13th century. Many of the items have not been displayed previously.
MCS LLC is cooperating with the Millennium
Challenge Foundation (MCF) to provide new stoves on easy terms to households of
Chingeltei district. MCF has selected Selenge Construction LLC to supply stoves
that burn 50% less coal and emit less smoke. The stove is
An art fair organized by New Century-Art
Association opened yesterday at the Zanabazar Fine Arts Museum. Called “Life
with Art”, the fair shows works by a painter from Yaruu Setgegch art studio,
V.Undraa, the Head of New Generation Art Association, L.Enkhbat, its member
The Minister for Justice and Internal Affairs, Ts. Nyamdorj, and the
Minister for Social Security of China, Men Zyanju, today signed an agreement to
combat crime. China will give a grant five million yuan to the Mongolian Ministry.
The Mongolian Parliament is yet
Minister of Defense L.Bold led a team to Germany on an invitation from
the Minister of Defense T. Maiziere and held talks in Berlin between July 5 and
7. The Ministers concluded an agreement and exchanged opinions on bilateral
cooperation, including an increase
Mongolia said its decision on
three shortlisted bidders for massive Tavantolgoi project was not final yet as
South Korea complained the bidding process was “unclear and unfair”,
Reuters reports. The latest development adds more confusion to the hotly
contested deal, which has been undermined
US mining giant Peabody
Energy has confirmed to AFP that it is one of the firms chosen to help develop
Mongolia”s huge Tavantolgoi coal deposit, amid uncertainty over which firms
have been selected. The Mongolian government said earlier this week it had
picked Peabody,