Mongolian Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene is paying a work visit to the People’s Republic of China.
Mongolian Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene is paying a work visit to the People’s Republic of China.
Despite official reassurance that
there is enough fuel in stock, consumers in Arkhangai, Selenge and Khuvsgul
aimags see several signs of shortage. Admitting this, Deputy Governor of
Arkhangai aimag G.Chuluunbaatar told the Uls Turiin Toim newspaper that
customers at petrol stations were not being
5.9-meter-tall Morin Khuur made by Ch.Enkh-Otgon and his son before the Naadam
celebration will be on display in Ulaanbaatar in August. It took them nine
months and needs four people to lift it. However, it cannot be used to produce
made a 3-meter-tall
recently conducted checks on 1,018 restaurants, the State Specialized
Inspecting Agency found 3,150 irregularities. It has asked 53 restaurants to
temporarily close down, levied total fines of MNT9 million, and demanded
explanations from 128 others. Food worth MNT144,000 was destroyed for not
meeting standards
Democratic Youth Union (DYU) under the DP recently organized a conference in
Darkhan-Uul, where 100 young people from aimags in the central region —
Darkhan-Uul, Selenge, Orkhon, Bulgan and Tuv – exchanged opinions on “The
Mongolian Young Citizen – 2020”. DYU President and
Standing Committee on Social Policy, Education, Culture and Science yesterday
reported on its work during the Spring session. Its chief, D.Ochirbat, said the
committee held 14 meetings and discussed 22 legislative issues. It also
disposed of applications and complaints from 35 citizens and
Prime Minister N.Kan has written to Premier S.Batbold that Japanese companies
hope to participate in the Tavantolgoi project. The letter has been sent
through N.Koga, a member of the Japanese Diet and a senior leader of the
Japan-Mongolia Friendship Group, who called on
Шинэ залуу хамтлаг дуучдыг дэмжих, үзэгчдэд амьд хөгжмийн мэдрэмжийг хүргэх зорилгоор COKE’N BEAT амьд хөгжмийн наадам 2007 оноос эхлэн жил бүр зохион байгуулагдаж ирсэн бөгөөд энэ оны уралдаант шоуны шилдгүүдийн тоглолт өнгөрсөн 7 сарын 15нд Сүхбаатарын талбай дээр болж өнгөрлөө.Амьд
The Citizens Representatives
Assembly of Ulaanbaatar gave its approval on July 22 to the blueprint for the construction
of the first phase of the New Yarmag settlement. The project was passed by
Parliament last year. Altogether 223,000 members of 57,000 households would
live in
V.Churkin, the Permanent Representative and Ambassador of
the Russian Federation to the United Nations, is on a visit to Mongolia from
July 22-27 at the invitation of D.Tsogtbaatar, the State Secretary of the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Yesterday he gave a lecture at
On a working visit to Dashbalbar
and Bayandun soums of Dornod aimag, First Deputy Prime Minister N. Altankhuyag
and Chief of the Standing Committee on Nature, Environment, Food and
Agriculture P. Altangerel met with local citizens to explain the policy and
activities of Parliament