News.MN - The source of news

Mongol nations to hold peace festival on August 24-27

A Mongol nations’ peace festival
would be organized in Ulaanbaatar between August 24 and 27, with President
Ts.Elbegdorj as patron and with support from the Government. The Worldwide
Mongolians’ Assembly, which was first held in 2006 to commemorate the 800th
anniversary of the Great

President honors Mongolist scholars

President Ts.Elbegdorj yesterday conferred
the North Star medal on one Mongolian and three foreign scholars in recognition
of their valuable contribution to the dissemination of the Mongolian language,
tradition and culture to the world.

The four were the Executive
Director of the Mongol Studies

MAC Mini

Таны гэрийн энтертаймент хэрэгцээг бүрэн хангана. Хаана ч тавиад хэрэглэчихэж болохоор авсаархан хэмжээтэй энэхүү процессор нь 320 GB-ын санах ойтой юм. Уг процессорын Mini Display Port-оос гадна дэлгэцний оролт нь HDMI учир сүүлийн үеийн ямар ч зурагт, дэлгэцийг холбоод Media

Kh.Tsagaanbaatar named Ambassador Athlete of Oyutolgoi

Labor Hero and Honored Athlete
Kh.Tsagaanbaatar was yesterday named Ambassador Athlete of Oyutolgoi LLC at a
ceremony in Monnis Tower. He is a member of the national judo team and won the
bronze medal at the Athens Olympic Games in 2004.

Oyutolgoi LLC

A-Sound to join Lemons Band in Shanghai performances

The Lemons Band will perform in
Shanghai between August 18 and 20. The A-Sound Band will be joining them, as a
surprise to its fans.

Lemons will soon issue their new
DVD and members of the band are searching for a catchy title.

Ministry happy with winter preparation for livestock

The head of the Livestock Policy
Implementation Board of the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry,
P.Gankhuyag, has told Uls Turiin Toim that hay preparation is following Government
directives. The Ministry has forwarded these guidelines to all the aimags. They
have also been

Khunnu era items on show

The Archeology Institute of the Science
Academy and the National Historical Museum have jointly organized a display of
Khunnu era items at Government House where the 10th International
Mongolists Conference is being held.

A carpet and textiles from 2000
years ago are the prize

Four Mongolian boxers in running for medals

Four of the 8 Mongolian boxers at
the Asian Cup of Boxing, under way in Incheon, South Korea from August 3 to 13,
are still in te hunt of medals. B.Tuvshinbat (69 kg) and D.Otgondalai (56 kg)
will be aiming at silver medals,

Rain, fuel shortage delay road repair work

The Auto Road Office reports that
50% of the planned road building and repair work in the capital has been done.
There are 46 individual projects and they should all be finished by October 30.

Officials of the repairing
companies say their progress has

Prosecutors see no need for more investigation into Zoos Bank case

The Ulaanbaatar Prosecutors’
Office has said there is no scope for additional investigation in the case of
D.Batbayar, Sh.Chudanjii and Kh.Purevsuren, the Chief of State Treasury Board
of the Ministry of Finance, charged with embezzlement of Zoos Bank funds, leading
it to bankruptcy. The
