News.MN - The source of news

Mongolians and Germans to cooperate on mining

Representatives of two Mongolian organizations and a German group have signed a memorandum of cooperation dealing with Mongolia’s mining sector. The memorandum was signed September 2 by the head of the National Development and Renovation Committee (NDRC), Ch.Khashchuluun, the executive

Report: Freedom of press could be strengthened in Mongolia

The Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development has released a report on freedom of the press in Mongolia. The report recommends that laws be strengthened to better protect journalists and news organizations. The report notes that Mongolia has made

Oyutolgoi LLC to hold meeting

A regular meeting of the Representative Managing Council of Oyutolgoi LLC will be held this week. On the agenda will be plans to build a power plant at the mine.A Government working group and Oyutolgoi LLC studied the feasibility of

Prime Minister to inspect harvests

Prime Minister S.Batbold today left for Selenge and Tuv aimags to study the harvests there.He is accompanied by Food, Agriculture and Light Industry Minister T.Badamjunai, Social Welfare and Labor Minister T.Gandi, and Deputy Finance Minister Ch.Gankhuyag, as well as members

Mining Journal Awards 2011

“Уул уурхайн салбарын аливаа хурал зохион байгуулах ажлыг бизнес гэж хардаг хүн олон боллоо. Тиймээс маш олон хурал болж байна. Зургаан сарын дотор нүүрсний гурван хурал болж өнгөрлөө” хэмээн Уул уурхайн ассоциацийн Гүйцэтгэх захирал Н. Алгаа хэлсэн юм. Үнэхээр уул

Mongolia, UNDP sign environment pact

Mongolia’s Environment and Tourism Minister, L. Gansukh, and the United Nations Development Programme’s Tomas Erickson have signed an agreement to strengthen environmental oversight in Mongolia. The agreement was hammered out by the Mongolian government, the UNDP, and Australian Development Aid.

MNT 24 billion allocated for development of soums

There are over 300 soums in Mongolia. (A soum is roughly equivalent to a county in the United States.) Some have fewer than a thousand people. Some have ten times that. The Government has decided to spend MNT 24 billion

Three miners killed in two separate accidents

Two miners digging for gold in Nalaikh district died yesterday. Police say the men, aged 40 and 47, were not properly secured. Police also say a 21-year-old miner was killed yesterday in an accident in Berkh sum in Khentii aimag.

Aging veterans to receive new homes

Fifty-eight elderly veterans will receive the keys to new homes today. The Ministry of Defense will hand the keys to 50 veterans, while the ministry of Social Welfare and Labor will present keys to eight others. Veterans who served in
