News.MN - The source of news

B.Chadraa: Mongolia should build nuclear power plant

Our correspondent spoke with B.Chadraa, the director of the Physics and Technology Institute of Science Academy. He said the public has positively received the president’s decree banning government officials from negotiating agreements about nuclear waste storage in Mongolia. He says

Mongolia, Russia discuss border issues

High-ranking Mongolian and Russian officials attending the Baikal Economic Form held a roundtable meeting on Mongolia-Russia border issues on September 13.The Mongolian delegation included: D.Tsogtbaatar, the Secretary of State of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade and head of

NNP changes its name

The National New Party (NNP) is changing its name to the Mongolian National Democratic Party (MNDP). The change was approved at the party’s assembly on Wednesday.At the assembly, the party also elected M.Enkhsaikhan as its head with 95 percent of

China, Mongolia vow to further ties

China and Mongolia vowed to further promote bilateral ties as Chinese Vice Premier Li Keqiang met with his Mongolian counterpart Tuesday afternoon.“China and Mongolia share broad common interests. A neighborly relationship is in the fundamental interests of both countries and

Gao Xingjiang: One Man’s Bible

Үгчилбэл нэг хүний ариун судар гэмээр авч жаахан бүдүүлэг сонсогдох. Энэ хятадын зохиолч Гао Шинжян өөрийн амьдралаас сэдэвлэсэн хятадын соёлын хувьсгал түүний уран бүтээл, хувийн амьдрал, сэтгэхүйд хэрхэн нөлөөлсөн тухай дурсамж маягаар бичсэн ном. Зохиолч 2000 онд утга зохиолын салбарын

Mongolian officials sign memo of cooperation

The head of the General Authority for State Registration, L.Munkhbaatar, and the director of the Justice Institute, D.Batjargal, signed a memorandum of cooperation on Tuesday. Officials from the two organizations took part in the memorandum signing ceremony. According to the

Competiveness rankings released

The World Economic Forum (WEF) has released its annual Global Competitiveness Report, which ranks 142 nations based on their ability to provide what the WEF calls “sustainable current and medium-term levels of economic prosperity.”Mongolia ranks 96th this year, up from

President issues decree on nuclear waste

President Ts.Elbegdorj has issued a decree on the storage of nuclear waste in Mongolia. The decree was issued on Tuesday. It bans government officials from entering into negotiations or concluding agreements about nuclear waste storage with other nations or international

Tavantolgoi draft proposal rejected

President Ts.Elbegdorj on Tuesday officially confirmed that the National Security Council (NSC) has rejected a draft proposal to award Tavantolgoi development rights to consortiums from China, Russia, and the United States.After discussions last week, the NSC decided that the draft

Mongolian-German mining meeting held in Berlin

The third Mongolia-Germany mining and mineral resources cooperation meeting was held in Berlin on September 12, with 33 delegates taking part. The Mongolian delegation was lead by B.Batkhuu, head of the mining and heavy industry board of the Ministry of
