News.MN - The source of news

SSC allows Mongolian Green Party to continue

Members of Mongolia’s Green Party announced on Friday that the State Supreme Court has informed the party that it may continue its activities. The party will hold an assembly on November 5. The assembly will discuss the party’s reorganization and

Ulaanbaatar to be “car free” on Saturday

Traffic will not be permitted on Peace Avenue from the Kempinski Hotel to Grand Plaza, on Seoul Street, at the Metro Mall Store, or in the Sansar Tunnel between 10:00 and 17:00.Only emergency vehicles will be allowed in those areas.

International meeting of Social Intern opens

A meeting of socialist and socialist-leaning organizations known as the Social Intern of Asia and the Pacific began in Ulaanbaatar on Friday and will continue on Saturday.Social Intern Secretary General Luis Ayala opened the meeting with a speech. He noted

Bookstore holding “calendar fair”

The Inter Nom bookstore is holding a 2012 calendar fair on Friday. Some 100 different kinds of calendars are available. Customers can buy calendars featuring celebrities including actor Robert Pattinson and Lady Gaga. There are also calendars featuring wildlife, plants,

DP demands free housing for ger district residents

The DP announced at a press conference on Thursday that it has sent an urgent note to Prime Minister S.Batbold, reaffirming the constitutional right of ger district residents to live and to study in a healthy and safe environment. The

Speaker notes successes in agriculture, economy

Speaker D.Demberel gave a speech at the opening of the autumn session of Parliament noting Mongolia’s achievements in agriculture. He said herders reported 13 million young animals last spring, the biggest number in the country’s history. He also noted that

Gala jazz performance in Ulaanbaatar Thursday night

The fifth annual “Ikh Taliin” or Great Steppes jazz festival is underway in Ulaanbaatar. The festival’s gala performance is being held in the State Philharmonic on Thursday night. The festival began on October 4 and continues through October 8.Taking part

International meeting to be held in Ulaanbaatar

A meeting of socialist and socialist-leaning organizations known as the Social Intern of Asia and the Pacific will be held in Ulaanbaatar on October 7 and 8. The MPP and other groups are organizing the meeting, which is being held

Labor Party of All Mongolia requests registration

Khamug Mongoliin Khudulmuriin Nam, or Labor Party of All Mongolia, which was been founded by MP Ts.Shinebayar and S.Molor-Erdene, asked the State Supreme Court to officially register the party on Thursday. About 500 members of the party organized its first
