News.MN - The source of news

Coal transportation railway likely to be finished in 2014

The head of Finance and Investment Office of the Ministry of Road, Transportation and Urban Development, Yo.Manlaibayar, stated railway infrastructure to transport coal from Tavantolgoi deposit mine likely to be finished in 2014 at an investment conference in Hong Kong

Musicians to perform Carmen Suite

Musicians of the State Academic Theatre of Opera and Ballet will perform Carmen Suite by R.Shchedrin under conductor Ch.Chuluun. Also symphony orchestra of Music and Dance College and percussion music band will take part in the performance. The State Honored

USA to grant aid of USD602 million to Mongolia

Finance Minister S.Bayartsogt, US Ambassador to Mongolia Jonathan Addleton and representative of US Agency for International Development (USAID) Chuck Hovell signed change of intergovernmental agreement of the USA and Mongolia in the Government House on Friday.The USA will additionally grant

Parliament passes 2011 revised budget

Parliament discussed ultimate version of 2011 revised budget and passed it on Friday. Budget income increases by MNT615 billion and its expenditure raises by MNT824 billion along the revise. Budget deficit is 9.6 percent of GDP. The Government submitted budget

Health sector discusses emergency reform

The Ministry of Health, Health Project of Millennium Challenge Foundation (MCF) and Health Board of the Government are organizing two-day national forum “Emergency reform” in Bishrelt Hotel on October 27 and 28. Deputy Minister for Health J.Tsolmon opened the forum

S.Demberel enlists to CWP

Head of Mongolian National Chamber of Commerce and Industry S.Demberel enlisted to Civil Will Party and he took his party card in the Government House on Friday. S.Demberel said that the CWP guides liberal ideology, which prefers freedom of politics,

MPs approve a draft law on fight of human trafficking

Minister for Justice and Internal Affairs Ts.Nyamdorj presented a draft law on fight of human trafficking and Parliament discussed the draft law on Thursday. MPs approved further discussion of the draft law by the Standing Committee on Justice.The Minister stated

New buses to serve public transport

The Ministries of Nature, Environment and Tourism and of Road, Transportation and Urban Development have planned to increase number of trolley and duo buses by 30 in Tsahilgaan Teever LLC with the aim of air pollution reduction. Along implementation of

Parliament postpones discussion on tariff increase

At Thursday’s session, MPs began discussion of the 27th protocol annex of Parliament, which focuses on tariff increase on imported wheat. D.Khayankhyarvaa suggested postponement of discussion. He stated that MPs have had controversy on the issue. Some MPs have viewed

Standing Committee submits 2011 budget revise

The Standing Committee on Budget discussed 2011 budget revise in the third time on Thursday. MP Ts.Sedvanchig blamed that 2011 budget revise has been worsened and its deficit has been increased more than 2011 budget deficit. Finance Minister S.Bayartsogt agreed
