A total of 11 forest fires were recorded in Dornod, Khentii, Sukhbaatar and Arkhangai provinces.
A total of 11 forest fires were recorded in Dornod, Khentii, Sukhbaatar and Arkhangai provinces.
At Wednesday’s meeting of the Government, members decided to reduce nighttime electric rates for some households in ger districts by 50 percent. It is hoped the change will encourage more residents to heat their homes with electricity instead of coal.
The Standing Committee on State Structure discussed the proposed 2012 budget for the second time on Wednesday, and funding for Mongolian National Public Radio and Television (MNPRT) was a hot topic.R.Rash said MNPRT is underfunded in the budget, since the
The Standing Committee on State Structure planned to discuss a draft election law on Wednesday but postponed the discussion due to ongoing differences between the DP and MPP caucuses on the administration of electoral districts. The committee did discuss an
Just six percent of small- and medium-sized businesses taking part in a loan program have applied for loans from the state. The rest have applied for loans from commercial banks.The Government has made low-interest MNT 30 billion loans available to
The Standing Committee on Social Policy, Education, Culture and Science discussed a draft law on pension reform on Wednesday and approved further discussion in Parliament. Currently, pensioners who retired before 1995 receive different payments than those who retired after 1995,
Mongolian and Kazakh diplomats held a consultative meeting in Astana, Kazakhstan, to address issues of mutual concern on October 27 and 28.The Director of Consulate of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Mongolia led the Mongolian delegation, while
Mongolia’s ambassador to Russia, D.Idevkhten, was recently interviewed by the Russian magazine Mejdunarodnaya Jizni (International life) on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and Russia. In the interview, D.Idevkhten emphasized the longstanding
The Standing Committee on Nature, Environment, Food and Agriculture discussed efforts to reduce air pollution on Tuesday. The Government has announced plans to supply 70,000 ger district households with low-smoke stoves in 2011 and 110,000 in 2012.The Clean Air Project
The French conglomerate AREVA is planning to mine uranium in Ulaanbadrakh soum of Dornogobi aimag. The company has been working on the project since December 2010 and plans to build a small uranium exploitation factory within two or three years.
At a meeting of the Standing Committee on Nature, Environment, Food and Agriculture, MPs discussed the proposed 2012 budget.D.Baldan-Ochir said animal husbandry cooperatives in soums need funding from the state budget. He added that the establishment of such cooperatives is