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Mongolia plans 4 mega infrastructure projects in 2022

Major construction projects transform the lives of thousands of Mongolians – whether they’re creating new plants, enabling better transport, or providing power to the surrounding area. Aside from creating thousands of jobs during the construction phase, they’ll bring in opportunities

Mongolia to produce gasoline AI-95

Mongolia has its own oil fields producing enough crude for its requirements.  However, almost all of its crude oil is exported and all of its finished petrochemical products are imported.  Mongolia imports more than 90% of the oil products from Russia

Mongolia to spend 1 percent of GDP on planting trees annually

Mongolia will spend at least 1 percent of its GDP annually to plant trees, said Ya.Sodbaatar, chief of staff of the president’s office on Monday.

President U.Khurelsukh issued a decree on planting one billion trees by 2030. Mongolia aims to plant

Mongolian parliament opens its autumn session

The autumn session of Mongolia’s State Great Khural, the country’s parliament, opened on Friday amid a resurgence of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Mr. G. Zandanshatar, speaker of the parliament said that the autumn session will outline new policies of Mongolia’s economic recovery at

Elderly people made up 7.9 percent of Mongolia’s population

People aged 60 and older made up 7.9 percent of Mongolia’s total population of around 3.4 million by the end of September, reported National Statistics Office (NSO).

In 2020, population aged 65 years and above for Mongolia was 4.3 percent. Before

Mongolia’s harvesting goes well

So far, Mongolia has harvested 50 percent of all vegetables and 15 percent of wheat, reported the Ministry of Food, Agriculture, and Light Industry. The harvest rate is about the same level as last year.
However, the National Agency of Meteorology and Environment

A worthy home for Mongolia’s ice hockey champions

It is unbelievable that in Ulaanbaatar, reputedly, the coldest capital city in the world there is no ice palace. Until now, Mongolian athletes in training for winter games, have only been able to train in winter – when everything is

New record deaths as virus engulfs Mongolia

On Thursday, Mongolia recorded 19 new coronavirus fatalities, its highest coronavirus deaths for a second day running, as infections rise driven by the Delta variant despite high vaccination rates. The new figure brought the country’s total deaths from Covid-19 to

Turning Japanese: The ninth Mongolian-born sumo wrestlers get citizenship

Sumo wrestler Ichinojo A.Ichinnorov, who holds the sport’s fourth-highest rank of komusubi, has given up his Mongolian nationality and become a Japanese citizen.

By obtaining Japanese citizenship, the giant 28-year-old grappler, who stands 190 centimeters and weighs 206 kilograms, can become
