News.MN - The source of news

Mongolia dissolves General Agency for Specialized Inspection

Mongolian Government decided to dissolve General Agency for Specialized Inspection. Therefore, its functions will be transferred  to the ministries. Therefore, some 300 jobs were cut. The Specialized Inspection Agency has 2200 inspectors  in 21 provinces and capital city of Ulaanbaatar.


IMF: Mongolia facing refinancing risks

The IMF predicted growth for Asia and the Pacific at 4 percent  this year and 4.3 percent in 2023, with both below the 5.5 percent average over the last two decades.

Still, they are higher than the fund’s forecasts for Europe

Man-made green oasis in the middle of the Gobi Desert

An 82-year-old Mongolian man has dedicated the last three decades of his life to nurturing a green oasis in the middle of the Gobi Desert.

Baraaduuz Demchig is often mentioned as living proof that man can fight desertification. His 16-hectare oasis

Mongolia win Intercontinental Championship for Prisoners

A team from Mongolia became the champions of the second Intercontinental Online Chess Championship for Prisoners after winning the final of the biggest-ever chess event among correctional facilities. The tournament was organized by FIDE and the Cook County (Chicago, IL,

Germany hopes to get key raw materials from Mongolia

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said that his country wants to strengthen ties to Mongolia, citing the country’s wealth of key commodities such as copper and rare earth metals.

Speaking after a meeting in Berlin with Mongolian Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene, he said

Mongolia’s judicial system is under immense pressure

The Mongolian justice system has progressed significantly towards protection against arbitrary detention but it is important not to stop, as further measures are needed if rights are to be fully respected, UN experts said.

While commending the government for multiple reforms

Mongolian Deputy Prime Minister pays working visit to Kazakhstan

Mongolian Deputy Prime Minister S.Amarsaikhan held a meeting with Mayor of Astana Altai Kulginov  in Kazakhstan. The meeting, which also been attended by Ambassador of Mongolia to Kazakhstan Dorzh Bayarkhuu, and others, focused on the issues of cooperation in education,
