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UN experts on arbitrary detention visits Mongolia

The UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention arrived in Mongolia for an official visit on 3-14 October 2022, to assess the country’s situation regarding the deprivation of liberty.

The delegation – comprising two members of the Group, Elina Steinerte and Matthew

15 Minutes: Reading with young children

Mongolia is a country that boasts a high literacy rate (99 percent), strong primary school attendance and completion statistics (97 percent and 93 percent), and a culture that values books and reading. Despite these positive indicators, however, a deeper dive finds that, according to 2018 UNICEF

Mongolia constructing three railways for coal export

Coal-rich Mongolia could export 50 million tonnes of coking coal annually under the current infrastructure condition, with its long-term and stable trade partnership with China and Asia as well as advantages of low depth of coal seam and low cost

Mongolia reports 1.1 case of hepatitis per 10,000 people

A total of 1.3 million people had been screened for communicable diseases under the “Healthy Lives” programme.  Under the programme, 5,100 cases of hepatitis had been detected in four months.  Several thousand people had received treatment for hepatitis B and

Ulaanbaatar organises the Car-Free Day

The Car-Free Day was organized on Sunday to raise public awareness of air pollution and negative effects of traffic congestion and promote healthy lifestyle.

Both private cars and public transport vehicles were barred from all main roads of Ulaanbaatar on the

Rio approved USD 2.3 million to Mongolia to protect forests

Miner Rio Tinto has announced USD 2.3 million in funding to help protect forests in Mongolia.
The company signed a three-year partnership agreement with the Ministry of Environment and Tourism of Mongolia and the International Conservation Caucus Foundation, which aims to tackle and reverse