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Colourful and fun festivals in Khuvsgul

Khuvsgul Province is the most popular tourism destination in Mongolia. The region is magnet for local or foreign tourists because of Lake Khuvsgul, known as the ‘Blue Pearl of Mongolia’. The number of tourists heading for Khuvsgul is steadily increasing

‘Back in the USA!’ The HU to rock at ‘2020 Coachella’

Without doubt, 2020 is going to be another busy year for Mongolian rock sensation, The HU. In addition to the forthcoming Japan and Australia tours, the four-man band will be returning to the United States.

The HU is scheduled to perform

Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina comes to the Mongolian stage

A stage adaptation of Leo Tolstoy’s novel, Anna Karenina, will be performed at the National Academic Drama Theatre on 28 February. The famous novel has been adapted into a stage play by N.Purevdagva and directed by State Honoured Artist N.Naranbaatar.


Mongolia’s National Anthem sang by MP becomes hit

The National Anthem of Mongolia sang by S.Javkhlan, a professional singer and member of parliament has become hit among people since being  released on Independence Day (29 December).

MP S.Javkhlan was famous for his nickname ‘prince of folk song’ before becoming

News Agency names ‘the Hu’ as Person of the Year

At the end of each year, professional press bodies traditionally give awards to people and particular events of the past 12 months. News.mn has been naming “Person of the Year” since 2004.

This year, we have decided to name Mongolian rock

‘The Hu’ to release ‘Gerege’ album in Japanese

Mongolia’s rock sensation ‘The Hu’ has returned home following a four month-long tour concert in North America and Europe, which lasted from September to December.

Now begins preparation for next year, including ‘The Hu’s’ debut Japanese and Australian tours. ‘The Hu’

Mongolian actor plays in Chinese historical drama

‘Longest Day in Chang’an’, a new Chinese historical drama, premieres this Christmas. The cast includes Hollywood actors and famous Chinese actresses as well as Mongolian actor S.Ariunbyamba who plays the role of a Turkic man.

The drama is directed by Cao

A beauty contest among three neighbours

The China-Russia-Mongolia International Beauty Pageant was held on the evening of 23 December in Manzhouli, in China’s Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region. Chinese contestant Zang Xipo was crowned at the beauty contest following Mongolia’s Ch.Anuujin in second; Russian contestant Alexandra Golovina