Economic Archives - Page 71 of 96 - News.MN

Massive bill for Oyu Tolgoi’s underground mine

Rio Tinto’s Mongolian copper project will require a bigger than expected fundraising, after the Rio subsidiary building the mine said it needed to raise ”at least” six times its current market capitalisation.

The subsidiary, Turquoise Hill Resources, shed fresh light on

Foreign currency savings increase in Mongolian banks

Bank deposits in foreign currency amounted to MNT 3.6 trillion in the first two months of 2020. This is an increase of 20.3 percent on the same period the last year.  This will be important for supporting growth, especially when

Belarusian BelAZ ships new model bulldozer to Mongolia

The Belarusian automobile engineering company BelAZ has shipped a bulldozer and several dust control sprinklers to Mongolia. While Mongolian mining companies have known BelAZ haul trucks with the carrying capacity of 30-220 tonnes for quite some time, the BelAZ-78231 bulldozer

Mongolian enterprises cut jobs due to coronavirus restrictions

Earlier today, the Mongolian National Chamber of Commerce and Industry held a press conference over the impacts of the coronavirus outbreak on business. The organization conducted economic survey covering over 1100 enterprises actively operating in Mongolia. The findings were bad:

Mongolia’s oil exploration and export rises

Mongolia exported a total of 6.5 million of barrels of oil to China in 2019; the represents an increase of 355 thousand of barrels on the previous year, reported the Xinhua news agency.

The country’s oil exploration has increased ten-fold within

Coal deliveries to China restart

Today (23 March), Mongolia restarted coal deliveries to China after delaying border opening dates second times due to the coronavirus outbreak. Mongolia has stopped coal exports to China since 3 March. Earlier today, a working group including Deputy Speaker U.Enkhtuvshin,

Mongolia developing yak wool production following cashmere success

B.Bayarmagnai founded the Ar Arvijin Delgerekh cooperative, which specializes in producing and weaving yak wool. The material, according to the cooperative, rivals the quality of cashmere and has the potential to boost income opportunities for yak herders in this central

Financial support to Mongolia’s cashmere producers

Mongolian cashmere producers are planning to stockpile 5000 tonnes of raw material for production this year. They are expected to buy one kilogram of cashmere for MNT 100,000 – thus totaling MNT 456.1 billion.

So, earlier today (19 March), the Mongolian