Former State Secretary of the Ministry for Industry and Trade, as it was earlier called, D.Surenkhor, was taken into Mongolian
Former State Secretary of the Ministry for Industry and Trade, as it was earlier called, D.Surenkhor, was taken into Mongolian
Secretary-General U.Khurelsukh and members of the MPRP administrative board are in touch with party Chairman S.Bayar who is in the
The three-day Mineral Exploration Roundup – 2010 conference beginning today comes at an important time for Mongolia with the country’s
One of this year’s Fulbright scholarship recipients to work in Mongolia is Lynne Noble, a professor of early childhood education
A Mongolian film, “The Two Horses of Genghis Khan” , will be shown at the 34th Cleveland International Film Festival,
The Mineral Wealth Council of Mongolia has approved the estimated reserve of 199.2 million tons of oil in the Toson
Sprit Bal Buram has introduced dual filters with platinum and silver in its alcohol production. This use of most recent
Бөс бараа худалдаалдаг дэндүү энгийн дэлгүүрээс дэлхийн загварын ертөнцийг эзэгнэсэн өндөр зэрэглэлийн брэнд болон өргөжиж чадсан “Burberry”-гийн бүтээсэн цүнх, цув,
Asashoryu arrived yesterday wearing traditional Mongolian clothes. At a media conference, his spokesman announced that the yokozuna who retired last
The Civil Movement, silent since July 1st, 2008, has become active again. Its leaders J.Batzandan and O.Magnai have established a