Archive - News.MN
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Go Hollywood

Өнөөдөр орой “В.” телевиз “Eagle” телевизээр 22.00 цагаас “Холливуудад
зорчих тасалбар” шоуны хоёрдугаар шатны шалгаруулалт гарна. Тэд
түрүүчийн нэвтрүүлэг дээр

Bullet found near explosion site

With both people at the place killed in the explosion in Kharkhorin market police are finding it difficult to reconstruct

Man dies in mine accident

A 27-year-old man died in Baganuur mine last Saturday, leaving behind a pregnant wife. The cause of the accident is

Mayor put in charge of build project

The Government yesterday gave Ulaanbaatar Metropolitan Mayor G.Munkhbayar charge of implementing a construction project near Narantuul market in 2010-2011. The

Privatization list approved

The Government yesterday approved the list of organizations that will be privatized in 2010. The Government Property Bureau, which is